(no subject)

Jul 22, 2006 01:02

The green grass is shrivelling and dying as Ori stalks into her realm. A cold wind tears the leaves from her trees, the butterflies scattered by it.

She walks up the path to her realm quickly, wrenching open her door. "Amy! Amy!"

The trembling girl walks out of her room reluctantly, not meeting Ori's eyes.

"Amy, grab whatever you've got and get out of here, okay? I don't want to see you again, you're free to go, what the hell ever. Have a nice life."

Amy stumbles back into her room, then out the door with a small bag as Ori enters her own bedroom, locking the door behind her and leaning against it. She sags, blinking furiously as tears threaten to come pouring down. She's not sad about it and she doesn't need to worry about it. A few millennia of alone-time will be good for her. She can catch up on her sleep.

She lies down on her bed, closing her eyes. If anything wakes her up for the next century, there'll be hell to pay
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