Mar 01, 2009 16:35
Just gotten back home from the parentals'.
It was so warm and sunny as we drove back. The blue sky and the sunshine on the trees and old buildings and a song about missing childhood gave me this weird but very comfortable nostalgic feeling. I'm getting that a lot lately. It reminded me of last summer. Hot summer. Upper Beechwood. The gardens at Crewe Flats. Barbecues in the garden. Melting Divine chocolate over a fire. The Botanical Gardens. Carnival. Attractions on the concourse. The last Asylum Comedy Show. True freedom. Free from responsibilities of revision and exams. Free from lectures and seminars and appointments and places to be. Freedom to be lazy. Freedom to just exist.
I know I'll get that again this summer, with the weather and Carnival and things like that, but it won't be as close as it was last year. I'm just not as close to Helen and Ellis as I was to the Beechwood crew.
But then, it hit me as we were driving that while I'll never have last summer back, there are so many new things that I'll get to do this summer, some of which I'll get to do again in the future, and some that I never will. Summer in my first place of my own, however loosely that term applies to me. Vegan picnics with Jen (actually outside this time). Being together without freezing. Alton Towers with the Family.
I'm going to makwe this summer good. Better than last year. It deserves that.
Right, back onto more practical subjects:
Things Emily grabbed from her parents' house which she will bring to London:
*Monty Python's Flying Circus, series 1-4
*Maid Marian and Her Merry Men, series 1-4
*Fawlty Towers, series 1-2
*Beavis and Butt-head, volume 1
*The X-Files, season 1 episodes 5-8 (just in case anyone felt like something different)
I also have an urge to watch The History Boys again, because it's awesome. Which makes me wonder- everyone knows about American high school comedies, and everyone knows which ones are the most famous and supposedly the best. Everyone knows Clueless and Mean Girls and all that schtumpf. But what about British high school comedies? Why do people never think of The History Boys like that? Or Gregory's Girl? Those are amazing films. I always feel they have more depth than the American ones, personally. They have more soul to them. But then, I appreciate their subtlety, which is probably what makes them so different to the American films.
Anyway, I'm also finally planning to listen to Blak Sabbath, because Ozzy just is a genius. I was playing Guitar Hero the night before last and I discovered that Mr Crowley is made of awesome.
On a completely different note (lol, bad pun), REM's Find the River just came on, and I've realised that that song perfectly describes this nostalgic feeling I've been getting. It has an idyllica about it, yet also a sadness. A hopefulness and a longing. Light and warmth, and loss and inferiority. It's beautiful.
Things Emily has done since retunring home:
*Dumped things on the floor
*Put on music
*Emailed lost film piece (at last! I don't even know if it's on time)
*Written this
*Downloaded Five Days a Stranger because I want to play it again
*Opened the curtains for the first time in weeks
Things Emily has not done since returning home:
*Finished editing next drabble
*Replied to some reviews and things
*Changed the bed
*Put food away
Also, have planned exactly my outfit for this thing on Saturday night- I'm thinking black shorts, black boots (the same ones I wore for The Cure), black bra, black ripped-apart bin bag, black handprint across face.
Question tho: in case some pretentious "style-medic" seems to think this does not fit with her ethos, should I gaffer tape the words 'FUCK OFF' to the front of the bin bag?
If in doubt, always use gaffer tape.
Will make sure I get there on time this time.
iz 'cited.
hot summer