Jan 09, 2009 18:11
...could have gone better.
I have decided to name the results Cookies Hit By a Truck. I've tried some bits, and they taste pretty good, but they all fell apart on baking. And they went thin and flat, even the ones I got out when they were still big, which is disappointing because I wanted big Millie's-style ones.
But I now have double chocolate, mint chocolate and apricot ones (just in case anyone got bored of chocolate).
Still, SUGAR.
And what have I learned- greaseproof paper is essential, even if it is only cookies.
It took longer than expected tho, which means I haven't done any essay at all yet. I'm just starting packing.
Which leaves some outfit finalising. So SEX? tee and something short and painted silver it is. But:
Denim mini, denim shorts or green and white polka dot mini?
Coloured tights or just body paint? Bearing in mind that I haven't waxed my legs in god knows how long. I don't really care about that, but other people get squicked by it, apparently.
Pumps or cowboy boots?
Also, is it worth making an arrangement where only one or two of us brings straighteners and we share, or are we all gonna want to use them at once again? XD
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnd since writing this, I have been subjected to The Talk about not doing things I can't afford, because my parents aren't happy about me doubling back to Shrewsbury on the way. And they wonder why I try to spend as little time here as possible.
But I've discovered some better train routes. Bryony, I really need to talk to you about this.
Stockport is way up north, so that's out, but last time I searched, all these much better routes from Shrewsbury to Brum to Notts didn't show up. So we could get a 10:30/10:47/11:31, which would have us back in Brum for 11:26/11:55/12:26, so we can get the 11:49/12:19/12:49 to Notts, which would get us there for 1:05/1:36/2:05. The 3:05 one back is still best, tho the parentals are having the predicted objections to me going to Brum to Shrewsbury and back to Brum. They want to know if you (or your parents) would have any objection to you getting that leg back on your own.
You were also briefly renamed "Bio-tapestry". Because my dad has a terrible memory.
Tho they did offer to drive me to Shrewsbury. Which would be nice, if it happens.
Still, in general MOOD HAS NOW HIT A BIG DOWNER.