Sep 29, 2006 16:16
I survived Week 1 of class + work at Evergreen. 29 Weeks to go... I'm either in class or at work on campus from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday. That is more then I ever thought I could emotionally survive, but I am here typing to you after the first week. I like Evergreen and I understand the potential it holds to get me on the path to whereever I desire to be in life, but I have a fucked past with th school that seem to haunt me. Not socially, but mentally/emotionally... which in turn makes everything FEEL socially awkward because I'm so self-conscious there. It's amazing how different (insecure, alone, less of a person) I feel in an Evergreen crowd than I do anywhere else in the world. It could all be in my head, so I'm dealing with those horrible feelings and managing. This is what I need to do. I need to get over that shit and I need to graduate. Those are two of the things I want most out of life right now.
At least I know that much.