i've been working on this sweater this week. don't try to make sense of it, it's nearly impossible to visualize even with the diagram and instructions. it's elizabeth zimmermann's classic, perhaps notorious, baby surprise sweater pattern. it's my first attempt, but i love the way it's working out so far. i'm knitting it for the new baby of one of my friends from high school. i'll be home next weekend, so i'm hoping i can finish it in time to drop it off at their house in person (then i can see the little dude, too).
here's the yarn:
and the buttons i found today at windsor button, thanks to a very helpful lady:
square! just different enough. they'll pull out the gold in the yarn nicely.
also, i just got a ball winder and swift (which allows you to wind a hank of yarn into one of these neat cakes without too much effort and without the efforts of an assistant holding their arms like a field goal), so i've been winding all my sock yarn into nice, manageable cakes. this is a skein from
miss hawklet; i'm supposed to be knitting it into socks, but for now that the weather is so warm, i prefer it as a decoration in my room: