(no subject)

Jan 30, 2010 00:21


My dad picked me up about lunchtime and we went out shopping (red jeans! :D fugtacular bag that looks like a stiletto boot! :D) then back to his flat so I could see it all done up. It's still a bit of a dump, and when they said the area's got so much better over the last few years they were lying through their teeth since all his wheel trims have been nicked within a week, two separate night-time stealth missions. >:| BUT it's a flat and it's full of books and records, so it's alright. He doesn't want to stay any longer than the six-month contract, but obviously nobody is going to give him a job if he doesn't have a permanent address in the area. ALL WILL SORT ITSELF.

Anyway, we dragged all the ancient photo albums out. They've been sellotaped in boxes for literally YEARS, some of them, the tape's gone all yellow and peeling. So exciting, it's like buried treasure. And THE GLORIES I FOUND, omg. This is the first one I pulled out, it STOPPED MY HEART. Adam looks gormless and I look a manky tomboy scruff as always, but CLAIRE oh wow. She was seriously the most beautiful kid I've ever seen, she doesn't even look real sometimes. *_*

Of course she's going to look the best, all dolled up in a frilly dress like that. I didn't even get my hair brushed. ;)

Warning: giant picspam ahead, 64 images.

This is in no real order, just BAM! PRETTIEST FAMILY EVER!

Glamour Nana! ;) That's my granny and dad in about 1964. XD

LOL my mum was sixteen there. SIXTEEN. She always looked loads older than she was. She got portraits done for an engagement present.

1975 style! <3

ROLLING. I've been a Monty Python fan my whole life, seriously. This is what happened every time my dad said to me, "What does Mr. Gumby look like?"

SO CUTE. I CAN'T BEAR IT. *BRAINSPLODE* I can't believe THIS grew up and turned into THIS:

My fat Michelin Man arms. XD I look like a balloon animal.

Adam was about three days old here *_*


Claire's first boyfriend, Nicky Treacher. ;)

I'm using this as a Christmas card next year:

My dad was in the Navy so I spent about the first six years of my life in little sailor dresses and stealing his hat. XD

I can't get over how NOT LIKE AN EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD my mum looks on all these pictures. XD Teeny tiny Claire. <3

I found a ton when she was about fourteen too. SO CUTE. <3

That was Winky Bear. :) He got passed down to some cousin later, he wasn't as precious as Joe.

HAHA and that thumb stayed there for a solid fourteen years. XD

I LOVE those last two. <3 None of that blue for boys pink for girls rubbish in our house, Adam would only have a pink dummy and he played with prams and Barbies. :D I was the toy guns and dungarees kid, Adam was girly enough for both of us.

MY FIRST BIKE! :D And naked Joe.

Claire had that BRILLIANT PUNK HAIR when she was tiny <3

SHE WAS SIXTEEN THERE. :O That bump is me. :D

LOL THAT ONE GENUINELY TERRIFIES ME. I have never ever looked more respectable in my whole life. XD I don't know whose glasses Adam is wearing. We look awful, we look like we're on our way round to people's houses to knock and chase up unpaid taxes or something. D: That was my cousin Wayde's wedding.

That little sailor suit Joe is wearing is one of my old baby suits. :D

And this might be the best picture ever taken of anybody in the whole history of photography:

HAHAHAHA the "live vicariously through the child that lost me my ballet career" idea didn't last very long, look how enthusiastic I am. XD

My loathing of church started very young. ;)

One of my favourites:

That's my granny Millie and my grandad Jerry I rave about all the time. <3 It's funny, I've got used to all the pictures I see a lot but seeing something I don't remember is like being shot in the guts. I still miss him all the time, he was my favourite person ever <3

My dad was so THIN and HANDSOME in 1984 o.O

HAHA worst day of my little life so far. XD My uncle Jerry's wedding. Claire hated me because she wanted to be the bridesmaid, I hated her because I wanted NOT to be the bridesmaid. That is the fuggest dress ever and so FRILLY and HOT and ITCHY, I was miserable all day. >.< And they got divorced after a couple of years anyway so it wasn't even worth it.

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