(no subject)

Jan 28, 2010 10:31

I just sat here bawling at a story I've read 5000 billion times before. D: It's like The Wicker Man ALWAYS scares me, this thing never stops being scary and upsetting too BUT I KEEP RE-READING IT.

Claire and James are going to Thailand for two weeks from Wednesday so I'm moving in to cat-sit Chester. <3 They put him in the cattery last time they went away but he came back really quiet and jumpy like everything scared him and he just wanted to hide in cupboards and under furniture all the time, so they don't really trust the place now. Maybe he was just adjusting to being back, I don't know. Anyway, I don't mind, as long as they stock up on food and the broadband works. ;) I can still do essays and work wherever I am.

This is Chester, he's beautiful:

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