For those of you who dont know, we are coming up on another Presidential election soon. I decided to actually do homework on this, and to know the canidates and what they stand for, as opposed to blind voting thats dependent on what the general media has chosen to expose me to, which we all know is controlled by money and the motives or ideals of that particular media source.
I was betting on Hillary Clinton, based off of her husbands job in office. But since i decided to do my homework, I looked into EVERYONE, both democratic and republican. I declare myself as a democrat. Things might change soon.
In watching the debates, one person, a no-namer to me, thanks to our selfless media waves, stood out to me. Im asking you to do your own research, for your OWN opinions, and KNOW who you are voting for and what they stand for. Should my choice make it to be the republican representative, Im voting for him.
His name is Ron Paul. He stands for the freedom of our country, based off the Constitution of this great country, to the word. Watch videos on youtube, watch the debates, and go to his home page to get more information. I refuse to sway you one way or the other with my work or opinions, do it for yourself.
Some links to help you with your descisions Remember, Do your own home work, look at ALL the canidates. This is who I feel is best for President. Who do YOU think is the best person for the job?