What are the odds of me letting you down?

Jun 13, 2010 03:31

So I met a boy, a seemingly nice boy, who is friends with my lesbian friend Jess. Since I've been stuck at home sick for a good two weeks, we've been texting and I like him so far minus a few things that happened today. First off he said I'm just plain weird, which pissed me off. Yes I'm strange in a few ways, but I would rather be a little odd than be boring.

And then I noticed how he treats me like I am a pretty face without a brain, like I'm stupid. I called him out on it and he was like no no that's not how I think of you. So I was like yeah okay, and pushed it aside. But then whenever I get upset he always says "I'm sorry...youre pretty?" as if some compliment is going to make me go OH OKAY I'M SO MUCH BETTER NOW.

His texting annoys the fuck out of me as well. You can't type sorry out? Or you? He can't even use the right form of their/they're/there! He even spelled my NAME wrong.

Now don't get me wrong, its nice for a boy to compliment me, and its appreciated. But its not going to fix everything. I'm a big "lets talk about our feelings" type of person, if he can't handle that I don't even want to bother with the date. I also don't like feeling like I'm stupid. -.-

On top of all this, I think I have a huge crush on a girl I know. She's bi too and seems to just not do well with the guys, she picks assholes. I think shes really adorable, and we could possibly get along really well, minus the fact that she smokes pot. That would be my only problem with her I think. That and she apparently is a sex fiend. And we all know how Ally is about sex. Though I'm starting to think sex with a girl is less stressful for me. There isn't a chance of getting pregnant, while STD's is still a concern we can both get tested, and I already know the land so its not like I don't know how to please her.

So now that I am annoyed with this boy, and I also like this girl, I'm fucking stuck. I always do this to myself. And it doesn't help that I'm so SHY with guys. I feel guilty already for liking someone else, since I haven't even been on a date with this guy. I don't know what to do anymore. He's nice, with flaws, shes adorable with flaws. Everyone has flaws. Fuck.
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