Nov 01, 2005 13:34
I had an awesome weekend.
At first I was really bummed that I had to miss the party at the Basement. I'd been looking foward to it for about a month... super excited. Then I couldn't afford it, and contemplating the sad state of my financial affairs caused me to sink into a crappy bog of gloom (heh heh... I said crappy bog of gloom!). But then I ended up at Goth House, which turned out famously. Lots of people I knew (and liked), great music, fabulous atmosphere and an absolute shit ton of people. Plus, me and my boy both got snockered for four dollars. Not four dollars EACH, just FOUR DOLLARS. Rock.
Ahhhh, Geek Haus!! I went as the Budweiser Cowgirl, which most people seemed to think I made up. But having a hick uncle with girly posters all over his garage, I can assure that there is indeed such a thing as the Budweiser Cowgirl, and that I did a damn good job on the costume too. Boy and I went to different parties that night, which was cool (heaven forbid clinginess) but also made me realize that parties are way more fun when you're single. Yeah, I know I tend to get uhhh.... carried away at parties when I'm drunk, so I pretty much sat in a corner, at my peach jello shot and avoided too much contact with anybody. Safer that way. ;) Then got my sober-cab to take us McDonald's and indulged in some drunken munchies. Always awesome.
Sunday later. Sunday gets a whole post of its own.
But yeah! Happy Halloween all!!!