Yuck Scholar

May 19, 2008 23:01

Hey guys, I'm back.  After being eaten by school, I have been spit back out into the world of the internets.
Blah Blang!  I've got one year of full time studentry under my belt!

My school is artsy fartsy to the extreme.  Hint: famous alumna, Bawbwa Wawa.  In fact it may very well be the school that put the artsy in fartsy, or vice versa (hmm, which is it?  That could be the topic of my next paper: "Artsy Meets Fartsy: Who's Responsible?" heh).  In spite of that, or perhaps because of that, the professors really pile on a serious amount of work.  Even though the semester ended on Friday, its probably going to take my brain a few weeks to recover from school mode where eating and sleeping are so arbitrary that they seem accidental.

Here's what i did in the past 9 months:
Read many books, wrote many papers, studied some crazy math and then applied it to literature (think Borges, Calvino), waxed neuroscientific on the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis by looking at fMRI studies on language and image processing (etc.), learned rocket science (I'm so not kidding).

But best of all, I spent many many hours making art out of metal and wool!  Because really, that's what life comes down to.  All the other stuff is just fluff (yes I know, wool is quite literally fluff, but in this case I choose to ignore that fact) or something. 
You might disagree, and say "yeah whatever, she does metal and wool art installations, that's cool, but it's not rocket science." 
And to that I reply, "rocket science?  Oh please, I already did that; so easy." 
And then you say, "..."
But then your friend cuts in with "ok fine, but it's not BRAIN SURGERY."
And then I have to shut up.

But yes!  I'm actually following through with my plan!  One year left of getting this damn degree!  And then I can finally move on into... wait for it......
More academia!   MFA.  It's true.  I know it's crazy.  Here I spent all these years without figuring out a solid future career goal, and now that I'm finally in school I'm studying art.  What the hell?  But I honestly have a plan- a very well (mostly) thought out plan.  For the first time in my life.  Hopefully I can get in somewhere.

Anyway, freedom!  vacation!  yay!  Oh crap, I'm unemployed right now.

mfa?, rocket science, artsy-fartsy, wool, metal, school

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