Busy, Preparing!

Jun 04, 2011 09:43

This morning. Another early morning. This time, it was pain, that woke me up, just after 5am. (My legs kept jerking up, every few seconds. It was just terrible. I blame it, on too FRIGGIN much walking, yesterday! ) Regardless, I was ready to (once again) start my day early, early, EARLY! So I, rather painfully, made my way out of the bedroom (muttering the word "ouch!", every time I took a step, and could feel the muscles, in FRIGGIN overdrive!), and began my day.
I am just now, on my third cup of coffee, as I write this out. My legs are still KILLING ME! I do not foresee a great deal of walking, today. I know if I try to walk, any more than I absolutely have to, I will wind up, on the ground. There is no doubt about it! (I can honestly say this. I am, as you may imagine, used to pain. I mean, the rather sudden transition, from wheelchair, to walking, has been one filled with pain. In the time, that I have been wheelchair free, I have come to, I am sad to say, expect certain types of pain. Sore ankles. Burning calves. Weakness in the knees. Hell, even tendonitis. These are all pains that, while COMPLETELY uncomfortable, I can say that I am used to. I will experience at least one of these pains, EVERY SINGLE DAY! But, this pain, that I am dealing with, this morning. Well, it is just BEASTLY! EVERY SINGLE INCH, OF BOTH LEGS,  IS IN EXTREME PAIN!)
But, even though I am in pain, that has me (at times) wanting to WAIL out, I shall not complain. I will just pop Ibuprofen, as needed, and call it,  a Lazy Day. Throughout the course of the day, I predict there will be all of 4 different locations, I will be. 1) (For the better part of the day) I will be found on the blue recliner, where I will HAPPILY be working with my yarn. 2) I will make my way to the kitchen, as hunger strikes me. 3) At 4 pm, I will have to (as much as I may hate it) get up, on my feet. I am sure I will still be in pain, at this time. But, in pain or not, the garden still has to be watered. I must take care of my plants! That is all there is, to it!) . And, location 4) I will make my way, to the evening bath, at sometime near 5pm. Oh, I can already tell you, I AM GOING TO LOVE THE BATH, TONIGHT! (Hot water, on aching legs...Heck yes!)
So, as I said...Even though I woke up, in pain, I was ready to wake up. I was ready to start my day!
I have QUITE a bit, to get accomplished, between now, and June 9. I find myself wishing that (as FREAKISH as it would make me look) I had another set of hands. It would make getting everything done, before June 9, SO MUCH EASIER!
So...I have officially decided, after thinking about it yesterday, that there will be no raffle.
Instead, I will be posting a quiz, come June 9. The first individual, to answer every single question correctly, will be getting the Celebration Package, that I am currently working (rather busily) on.
So, why the change? Why did I abandon the idea, of a raffle? Well...One MAIN reason. This is a celebration. It is not a fundraiser. And, you all have helped make The Yarn Project, such a wonderful experience, for me. So, it seems only fair, that the celebration package, should be given away, for free. And, the quiz will be the perfect way, to choose a lucky winner. (After all...What party is complete, without a PARTY GAME?) So, get busy re-reading this blog. And, please get involved. I guarantee a rather fun gift package, for the winner!
So...This weekend, I will be busy, busy, busy.
Today, I plan on finishing the biggest project. A project, which will stay with me, and yet be given away, in the celebration package. I can honestly say that it will be difficult, to finish this particular project today, as I still have quite a bit to work, before basic assembly can even begin. And then, there are all those SPECIAL finishing touches, which will make this project pop.
But, I am not stopping there. I have a smaller project, that I will also be starting today. Starting, and hopefully completing. 
Yup! Today, I plan on FIERCELY attacking the yarn. It will not be a day, for weakness.
All I can say, is this. I am totally stoked, when I think about how BUSY, I will be, today.
As for tomorrow...
Well, I will be going to the mall, where there is NO yarn, at all. And yet, while I am there, I will pick myself up, something that will be a great reminder, of The Yarn Project.  
So, yesterday...
Well, after writing my post, I searched the internet, like a mad man. I was on the hunt, for the PERFECT pattern. The big project! There was a free pattern, that (at first) I thought would work. Just days ago, I started working this pattern. However, I was not happy with it. It just wasn't what I was looking for. It wasn't special enough! So, I discarded this pattern, and started my search, all over again.
Well...Let me tell you. This particular pattern...
I thought it would be so FRIGGIN EASY, to track down, a pattern. I thought that, surely, a quick search on Yahoo, would pull up TONS, of free patterns, that would be just perfect, for me. NOPE! It turns out, I was wrong. The free patterns were not only limited (which I was rather shocked, over), but none of them, offered that 'This Is It!' pizazz.
After about 30 minutes of searching, I FINALLY found the perfect pattern. And, while it was not free, I knew, as soon as I saw it.
'This is it!!!' I thought, as I saw the picture, of it. 'This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! IT IS PERFECT!'  There was no second thought, about it. I HAD to have this pattern!  NO OTHER PATTERN WOULD WORK! And, I was not going to let the price tag, of $4.50, stand in my way!
Without second thought, I purchased the pattern!
Then, my sweetie drove me to JoAnn, where I got the specific yarns, I would need.
After a few more errands (all of which, seemed to take F-O-R-E-V-E-R), we finally made our way back home.
I took my evening bath, then IMMEDIATELY got started, on the Big Project. (I really hope you guys like it, when it is unveiled.)
So...My plan.
Like I have already written, I WILL be finishing the big project today. And, I hope to finish one of the smaller ones.
Then, I will continue to work on projects, just for this rather special day, until June 9 comes. (My hope, is to have a few goodies to give away, and still have a few to keep, for myself!)
In other news...
My mother FINALLY made her way home, yesterday! She had a fun (albeit busy) mini-vacation, visiting my sister. I am rather happy, she was able to have this get-away. Anyway, she opened her present, and...
I thought she liked the brown one, I made her, while crocheting. But, she DEFINITELY loved this shawl. She immediately went about saying, numerous times, how BEAUTIFUL, it is. She thanked me, quite a few times. And, she wrapped it around herself (I can honestly say, that this shawl DOES NOT pair well, with PJ's!), and did not take it off, until she went to bed.
So, I was completely thrilled. I had done AWESOME!
Well, I should get going.
I have quite a bit to get done, and not a lot of time left, to do it all.
I know I am counting down the days, until June 9. Are you?
Happy looming (and other yarn arts)...

timespan, walking, mystery, 8 months, loom, part 2, celebration, memoir, pattern, anniversary, yarn, blog, book, timeline, 1 year, workbook, yarnie, 2 years, sore, timeframe, project, loom knit, deadline, 3 methods

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