Preparing For The Bash!

Jun 03, 2011 09:33

So....Here It is. Just two minutes, away from 8am, as I start this entry. I have my coffee, to my left, and I am ready to start this morning. I went to bed late, last night. (I was too excited, to go to sleep, at the time, in which I normally do.) And, I woke up, INCREDIBLY early, this morning. (4:37, anyone?) Normally, being awake at this time, is just NOT ACCEPTABLE! Normally, I would curse waking up, this early. (Well, I would attempt to, at least. I am not sure how successful I am, with the English language, when I attempt to use use it so vulgarly, so early in the morning.)
This morning, however, I took a look, at the clock, admitted that : Yup! It's early, alright! And then, I threw the blankets of of me, and zoomed out of bed, fully charged, and ready to go.
I watched TV, for a while. A mix of QVC, and sit-com reruns. Then, I tinkered around with my yarn, for a bit.
And, about 30 minutes (give or take) before coming to my blog, I grabbed a pen and paper, and I started to write an outline. I started to develop a formula, for how I want my entry, on June 9, to be written out. Needless to say, I am quite sure that I will revise this outline, numerous times, between now, and June 9.
God...What can I say?
I FRIGGIN FEEL LIKE A CHILD, JUST DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS. It is just days away...JUST DAYS. And yet, it seems like it will never get here, at all. It seems like the closer it gets, the longer each minute takes, to pass. I can almost hear the ticking down, until the Big Day!!! (If you look at the top entry, in this blog, you will see that, earlier this morning, I created a countdown, specifically for this event!) Oh, come on days! Just pass, quickly. Let June 9 be here, already! I am afraid, I will go completely crazy, with anticipation!
So, yesterday...
Well, I started my day, pretty much the same as always. A quick visit to my student portal, just to see that everything is good, on the school front. (It is!) Then, of course, I wrote my post. 
I had a bowl of cereal, and an English muffin, for breakfast. It wasn't a complicated breakfast, but for some reason, it was ESPECIALLY good.
Then, I made my way outside. Time for a walk. I figured that, since it was still morning, the big black bees, might still be in bed. 5 laps around the property. (And my little dog, bless his heart, followed me, throughout all 5 laps. I think he was on guard. Just let a black bee, try to mess with his human.)
After the laps, my feet were KILLING me. And, somehow, (I am not sure how), I had managed to get a bazillion burs, in my shoes. I could see this happening, if I were wearing my sandals, or Crocs. I could even see it happening, if I was wearing low-top shoes. But, I was in my blue boots. The go up, to my shin. And, they close up, tight around the leg. How in the hell, do burs manage to find their way, into these boots? I just don't understand this. Not one bit.  
So, I was fortunate enough, to not come in contact, with black bees. But, there was a trade. Burs found their way, into my boots, and they pricked my feet, with every step. NOT FUN!
After the boots came off, and the bur-infested socks were ripped away from my feet, I parked it, on the blue recliner, and started working on the Yoga Mat Bag.
By this time, my sweetie (who can sleep until noon, if allowed) was up, and at the computer, playing Farmville.  And, the whole time Farmville was played, I worked on the Yoga Mat Bag.
Now, the plan, if you will recall, was to use up all the wool yarn, I had. Then, I was going to shift over, to making granny squares.
That didn't exactly happen. (Though I will say, that I have all of 10 feet left, of wool yarn.)
My sweetie, after playing Farmville, went to take a shower. And I decided to go for a mini-walk, on the porch. And, as I was walking, I was thinking.
"What is it, that I am going to do, for June 9?" I have known, for quite some time, that I wanted to do something, well...almost OVER THE TOP! (My original idea, was to go to the Moose Lodge, and have a few victory drinks. Granted, I still may do this. But, come on. I HAVE TO DO MORE THAN JUST THAT! Don't I? I mean, just that, on its own...Well, doesn't that seem...WEAK?)
It is funny, how ideas can develop, isn't it? I mean, for quite a while, I have poured so much of my time, into thinking about how to do something GRAND, for the one year mark. And, for all the thought I gave, I got NOTHING! Zip. Zero. Zilch!!!
But yesterday, just after asking myself, what I wanted to do, the mental road block FINALLY cleared. In an instant, I had EVERYTHING laid out. Every  little detail, made itself known to me. In fact, the thoughts raced at me, so quickly, that I was, quite literally, knocked off my feet!
Slowly, I climbed back up, into a standing position, and I made my way inside.
I have QUITE a bit to do, before June 9.
God, this HUGE part of me, just wants to blab it out, right now. Just go ahead, and say, "Hey! Come June 9, I will be..."
But, I will restrain myself. After all, I can't ruin the surprise, can I?
However, I will, in today's entry, drop a few hints.
Hint #1: Between today, and June 9, I will not be working on the Yoga Mat Bag, or granny squares. As much as I may want to, and as much as the Yoga Mat Bag may call to me, I will have to (yet again) put it on hold. True, I will be buying more wool yarn, for the Yoga Mat Bag,  while I am out today. But, as far as progressing on it...well, the next time I pick it up, will be June 10. (I will, most likely, have to bury the finished part, of the Yoga Mat Bag, in the very back, of my yarn stash, so I don't hear it begging me, to work on it. Heaven knows, when wool begs, it can make you melt.)
Hint #2: As you all know, by yesterday's second post, I will be making fun little things, to commemorate The Yarn Project, as it turns 1. Today, after I finish this post, I will get started one of the little goodies. I will be doing a raffle (which, hopefully, will be successful. All the money raised, by this raffle, will go to helping me get to that big ball of twine, at the end of The Yarn Project.) I, myself, am not really sure of all the items, I will wind up with, when finished. We shall see.
Hint#3: I will be making, for myself (and for The Yarn Project), a rather special (at least I hope so) Mystery Project. Stay tuned!
So, there it is.
Are you excited? Well, the Yarn Gods know that I am.
June 9, I will see you soon. And, it will be a celebration, that will be full of yarnie GOODNESS!!!
As for today...
Well, I will going shopping for wool yarn.
Then I will come home, and busy myself, with preparing for the one year bash.
That is it, for today.
Until tomorrow...
Happy looming.

part 2, pattern, yarnie, one year, surprise, project, yarn

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