Oh, Happy Time!!!

May 24, 2011 21:16

Last night...Well, it was just FRIGGIN awful!
I had this plan, for the evening. The bath was over, at just after 6pm. I allowed myself about an hour, of TV time. Dinner, at just after 7pm. (Homemade THIN CRUST pizza! Oh, yeah! This part of the evening was TOTALLY awesome!) After dinner, I had planned on multi-tasking. I would park, on the blue recliner (which, sad to say, I am now coming to prefer, over the chaise. EEEK! THE HORROR!) And, I would watch some TV, while working away, on the scarf.
The TV went on.
The loom came out, from hiding, in the bottom of my craft bag.
One SINGLE row, got worked.
It came at me, from out of the FRIGGIN blue. A headache. And, we are not talking about a weak little headache, that, after a while, will go away. We are talking about a full-blown headache, that felt like somebody was TORTURING me, by sticking my head, in an invisible iron vice. With each passing minute, the headache became that much more unbearable, until I began to think that, well...it may be quite a relief, if my head were to EXPLODE!
I grabbed an pain pill, and made my way to the bed. It took forever, for me to fall asleep. But, I told myself one thing, over and over. "You may be going to sleep, with the Headache from Hell. But, when you wake up, it will be completely gone." After all...normally, that is how it works.
At about half-past 1am, I was woken up, by a HORRIBLE pain. The headache was still there. (Seriously, if my sweetie REALLY loved me, I would have been put out of my misery. I mean, would you let your loved one, go through such agonizing pain, without offering a helping hand?)
Another pain pill. And, I had to fight, once again, to get back to sleep.
Good news...The headache is COMPLETELY gone, this morning. Apparently, the headache only the single intention, of COMPLETELY ruining my night, last night.
So...moving on.
I know that, yesterday, I wrote up the way I would work the projects left, in the loom knitting part, of The Yarn Project. The plan was to take on the Laptop Cozy, next. This would be followed by the Handbag, then the Yoga Mat Bag, the Bliss Baby Blanket, and then the two socks.
Well...I feel like a complete idiot. Stupid Michael!
Note to self: When deciding what project will be your next, make sure that you have access to the particular loom, you are asked to use! (Duh! BONEHEAD!!!)
To make the Felted Laptop Cozy (which I was SO looking forward, to starting), you are asked to use a large gauge knitting loom. The book tells you to use The Yellow Knifty Knitter.
Well, guess what? Until I finish the HORRIBLE little beast, that is the Bliss Baby Blanket, my Yellow Knifty Knitter is not available for use. Nope! I still have the first panel-in-the-works, of that DAMNED Bliss Baby Blanket, hanging from the pegs, of this loom.
So, there were two options. 1) I could bite the bullet, and just finish the Bliss Baby Blanket. (Of course, this was not the option, I opted for. It is getting rather hot, during the days, to work on something, like a blanket. The Bliss Baby Blanket will be put off, until I absolutely HAVE to do it.) Option 2) I could work on one of the other 2 felted projects. (Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner, with option 2!)
So...The (NEW) next project, to find it's way, to a loom...
The Yoga Mat Bag.
Part of me wishes, as I go into this particular project, that I was able to go to Daily Fiber Yarn Co. God, what I wouldn't give, to just go to my local yarn shop, where there are bound to be a very wide array, of wool yarns, which would be PERFECT, for this project. I would have, I am sure, a very grand selection of colors, readily available to me. In fact, just days ago, I was THRILLED by the idea, of working with wool. I was completely BESIDE myself, because I thought I would be going to Daily Fiber.
Well...Sad to say, reality came by, for a little visit.
Once again, I am reminded of the fact, that funding keeps me from being a yarn snob. Damned being broke. It just COMPLETELY sucks! Goodbye, Daily Fiber Yarn Co., with your (I am sure) vast array of suitable yarns, for this project. And, hello JoAnn...the place where broke yarnies MUST shop. The good news is that JoAnn's does, in fact, have wool yarn. I have seen it, many, many times. The bad news...They do not offer a wide variety, of colors. My options will be rather limited, I am sad to say. Oh well...Neutral colors, are always timeless. Right? Anything looks good in neutral colors. Sure, I wanted to use greens, or golds, or even merlot shades. But, oatmeal, brown, or gray will work, just as nice. After all, wool is wool. Right?
Today will be a busy day, to say the least.
After I finish this post, I will be getting dressed, and heading out. A few stops, have to be made. First, I have to go to the local library, to take care of (yet some more) paper work, concerning school. The time is TOTALLY flying by. And, I am beside myself, with the thrill, of it all. Ashford University, get ready for me! One week...Well, that will pass very quickly, I am sure. I am totally amped!
After doing this paperwork, and calling my counselor, to say: 'Hey, it is all done!', I will be going to JoAnn. And, while I am not exactly thrilled, over having such limited options, when it comes to wool yarn, I am sure that a trip, down the novelty yarn aisle, will help lift my spirits a little. (And hey, if nothing else, I can always find joy, by gawking at the Drew Emborsky crochet hooks.)
After the shopping trip, for wool yarn, is said and done, I will be coming back home. I plan on then pulling the weeds, from my garden. (I swear, they seem to grow, overnight!)
I also hope that today, I can finish the scarf. I am so friggin close, that it is KILLING me! Just a few more inches to go, then bind off, finish off the cast-on edge, and weave in the yarn tails (which, we ALL know, is such a complete joy. Yeah...NOT!).
I will get a bit of walking time in today. There is a geocache, right by our house. My sweetie has become obsessed with the idea of finding it. So, there is a good chance, we will be on the hunt, for that little BOOGER, today.
Then, I will work YET ANOTHER granny square. (By the way, I am pretty sure the Fairy Yarn Mother has visited me. Today, while re-organizing my stash, I came across this wonderful tan yarn, that is such a unique shade. And, as I grabbed it, I thought to myself: 'Huh! Well...I don't remember ever getting this skein.' I am thinking it was a SPECIAL DELIVERY, from the Yarn Gods. If this is the case, then Yarn Gods, I beg you...Send me some nice mint green and cream wool yarn-bulky weight-so I can make my mom the Felted Handbag, in her two favorite colors.) Today's granny square, will be worked, in this tan yarn.
I am sure that, by the time I finish the square, it will be that most coveted time of day...Bath time! (Oh! Already, I am looking forward to a tub of bubbles, candles, a book, and a glass of wine. Oh, how DELIGHTFUL!)
And, if the headache does not come back, for a second visit tonight, I will spend my evening, starting on the Yoga Mat Bag. (Yay! My first felted project. I am so TOTALLY friggin stoked, over this! I feel like doing a rather long happy dance, while shouting out: "YIPPEE!!! YIPPEE!!!", at the top of my lungs.)
Well, it is time for me to get going. My mom is currently sitting in a chair, doing that 'huffing, and puffing' thing, which is her own little way of saying, "Michael! GET THE HELL, OFF OF THAT COMPUTER! Go, get dressed, and let's get on, with our day. I am not going to wait around forever, you know! YOU were the one who needed to go out, today! SO...HURRY UP!"
So, I am off.
Happy looming, everyone!

timespan, felted, felt, 8 months, loom, part 2, memoir, pattern, yoga mat bag, educate, yarn, blog, student, book, timeline, workbook, yarnie, 2 years, timeframe, wool, scarf, project, loom knit, 3 methods, deadline, felting

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