A New Week...Plenty To Keep Me Busy

May 23, 2011 09:23

Before I talk about yarn, or anything else...
Yesterday, about 2 hours after I finished my post, my mother left the house. She went to go see aunt B. Part of me wanted to go, so friggin bad. But, on the other hand, part of me does not want to see my aunt, like this. I have such good (no. Strike that...GREAT!) memories, of my aunt. I want to remember my aunt B, the way she was. Horrible as it may be, and selfish as it may sound, I do not really want to see my aunt. I do not want to have a memory of her, like this.
But my mother NEEDED to see her. To get that closure. To say, "Hey. I will see you again!"
As she left the house, so did my sweetheart. I was left alone.
So, I decided to clean the house, for my mother. I dusted. I cleaned the bathrooms. I mopped the floors. And, I even went outside, picked a (rather pink) collection of flowers, from the gardens, and made a bouquet, which I put on the nightstand, in my mother's room.
Then, when the cleaning was done, I sat down, on the blue recliner (which is quickly becoming Michael's Yarn Station: # 2!), and started working on the scarf. And, I let myself cry. When my mother got home, I would have to be strong. But, when I was alone, I could let the tears fall. I worked on the scarf, sniffling, and wiping away tears. But, as I worked away, I felt as though, somehow (and I know this will sound COMPLETELY CRAZY!), my aunt was aware. I felt as though she knew I was working...Cheering me on, even. The way she always has.
So, this morning, I woke up, and I KNEW that this is going to be a VERY busy week. It was a knowledge that I found GREAT comfort in. I need to be kept busy, right now. I welcome BUSY!
This is my last week of 'freedom'. My last week, before I become Michael, The Student. Come May 31 (next Tuesday), I will be an OFFICIAL student, at Ashford University. Let the countdown begin.
As I think about this...about going back to school, I find that I am still a big old mess, of different emotions. Each individual feeling (fear, excitement, nervousness, happiness, etc...) is hitting me FULL-FRIGGIN-FORCE, and it DEMANDING center stage. All of these different feelings, are battling with one another, trying to claim complete control. I am dealing with Emotion OVERLOAD!
This week, I plan on hitting the yarn, with all my might. True, I have other responsibilities, that I must see to (walking, caring for the garden, spending time with family-pets and all, just to name a few!)
This morning, before I started this post, I looked at my blog profile.
Now, not counting the scarf (because, hey! I plan on being done with it, in a few days!), I have 7 more projects, in the loom knitting part, of The Yarn Project. There are still 2 more pairs of socks, that I must take on. The Bliss Baby Blanket, still needs to get finished. There is the Yoga Mat Bag. And the Felted Handbag. Then, there is the Felted Laptop Cozy. And, lastly...The loom project, you guys will choose for me.
7 Projects, to be done, before October 8.
On one hand, I feel comfortable with this. I look at the numbers, and it doesn't seem like that big, of a deal. 7 projects to go (excluding the scarf). And I still have a considerable amount of time. "This will be no big deal," part of me says. "You got this, Michael. It is in the bag!"
But, then I start to dissect the whole thing. Sure, the number of projects, doesn't seem like a big deal. But, let us look at the ACTUAL projects, I still have to complete.
The socks are no biggie. I mean, I have already proven, that I can pop these out, relatively quickly. And, I am assuming that the second pair of socks, will be easier to make than the first. And the third will be easier, still. I am not scared of the socks.
All the other projects. Well...They are starting to intimidate me, quite a bit.
A yoga bag, a handbag, a laptop cozy, a baby blanket, and I have to assume (just as I did, when crocheting), that whatever project you assign me, will be on a big scale. (Hey...better to have this thought, and be proven wrong, than to think you will assign me a small project, only to be given something quite large.)
I know one thing. Even if all the other projects are easy-peasey, and quick to be worked, the Bliss Baby Blanket is a COMPLETE monster. I can honestly say that I am not looking forward, to having to go back, to this particular project.
Now...Some good news.
The Yoga Mat Bag, while not exactly a small project (non-felted, it measures 32" x 8.5") is a pretty basic pattern. I know...THANK THE YARN GODS, for small favors! The entire thing, I am happy to say, is worked in garter stitch.
Next (and still on a good note)...The Felted Handbag.
When first glancing at page 132, it can be a little overwhelming. I mean, it looks like a pretty detailed patter, at first glance. Thankfully, this project (at least the bag part) is, once again, worked entirely in garter stitch...All 156 rows, of it. As for the handles...well, they are just I-Cords. So, I am thinking will be easy enough, though a little time consuming.
The Felted Laptop Cozy. Well...This one is a little trickier. You have rows you knit only. You have rows you purl only. You have rows that include slip stitching (oh, such a fun thing!), and binding off, mid row. This project, out of all three felted projects, that I will do, seems like it will be the trickiest.
So...The plan of attack.
Well...I will hit the scarf, rather hard, today. I will get as much work done, as is HUMANLY possible, before calling an end, to my yarn time for the day.
And, I have created an order, for the upcoming projects. After I am done with the scarf, I will take on, the Laptop Cozy. Then, the Handbag will have its moment. Then, the Yoga Mat Bag. Then the Bliss Baby Blanket (oh, how I DREAD this!). Then the two pairs of socks. And lastly, the project assigned by you!
Busy, busy, busy!!!
So, let us talk about yesterday's yarn time.
As you know, I started my day, with working on the scarf. (Let me just say this. When crying, while it is possible to get loom time in, it is almost certain, that you will not loom all that quickly. But, hey! Slow looming, beats NO looming.)
When my mom got home, from her visit, we sat outside, and each had a beer. She talked about her visit, and sounded at peace, with all of it.
After the beer, she went about her business, and I made my way, back to the yarn.
Time to work the granny square.
Yesterday, I worked the first round, in a variegated camo yarn. This was followed, with five rounds, of Paddy Green, and, lastly, the black frame!
After my (roughly) 45 minute session, with the square, I made my way outside, for a jaunt around the property. Of course, with so much on my mind, I was not really focusing, on where I was putting my canes. And, half-way through round one, around the property, I landed my left cane, in a hole. This, of course, led to a fall. (And, let me just say...dried out foxtails, in the center of the palm...Not fun, my friends.) Finally, and with no grace at all, I made my way back to a standing position, and continued my walk. I finished the lap, and took one more.
Then, it was back to the scarf.
So, yesterday was one of those very weird days. You know, where time seems to fly, and yet could not POSSIBLY move any slower.
At 5pm (on the dot), I settled into a tub of hot water. And, I took a trip down memory-lane. I focused on all the fun times, I have had, with aunt B. And, I smiled. I probably even giggled a time or two.
I got out of the bath, had a beer, watched TV for about an hour.
Then, it was back to the scarf.
This morning, I took a measurement, of the scarf. 39 inches. Not too shabby. I am over half-way done. YAY!
Dinner last night. Garden Burger.
Then, a few more rows, and a bit more TV.
Then, bed.
As for today...
Well, after finishing this, I have to make a quick call, to my counselor. Then, it will be granny square time, followed by the scarf session.
And, I will try to get some meditation time in, later in the afternoon.
Well. That is it, for today.
Time to get my day started.
Happy looming, everyone!

timespan, college, trip, 8 months, loom, part 2, busy, school, memoir, pattern, recovery, fall, yarn, blog, student, book, timeline, workbook, walk, yarnie, projects, 2 years, record, timeframe, loom knit, deadline, 3 methods

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