(no subject)

Apr 06, 2011 01:32

So, here I am. I am writing a second post, for the day. And, you know how this is something that, for the most part, I STRIVE NOT TO DO! I only write two posts, in one day, when I feel that the second post merits it.
And, I feel that this is something that I should write. I am afraid that, if I wait, until tomorrow, it may slip my brain. So, here we go.
I was in the bath, just before coming to write this. It has been a long, hard day...and, hot as anything, to boot. I planted a boat load of seeds (gourds, pumpkin, and a bunch of herbs). And, I have (so far) worked 120 rows, of the last white panel I will need, for the Old Glory blanket. (My goal is to finish this panel COMPLETELY, before going to bed. Let's see if I can do it. Stay tuned!)
And, as I was in the bath, I was thinking about The Yarn Project.
I was thinking about how COMPLETELY FRIGGIN OBSESSED I am, with it. I was thinking about stuff that I am sure you are tired of hearing about, by now. You know, how it has changed me, into this BRAND NEW ME. How it has shown me that I am NOT a quitter...not anymore.
It may sound ridiculous. Feel free to laugh. But, in my opinion, The Yarn Project brought me to life. I was just in this VOID, before I started this Project, in June of last year. I had no desire. I had no drive. Every day, was EXACTLY the same. Get up, walk (and focus on the HORRIBLE pain), watch TV (even when NOTHING good was on), just because, hey...there was nothing else to do. Go to bed, at 7 in the evening, on most nights. Not because I was tired. There was just nothing else to do. Then, wake up the next day, and do the same damned thing.
Then, The Yarn Project happened.
And, no sooner did I start, then something clicked. I was OBSESSED! This Project gave me desire. I had something to occupy my time. I had a goal. I was setting out to learn something, and DAMMIT, I was going to do, what I set out to do.
My advice to you (never mind, that you DIDN'T ask for it), is this.
Find something you have wanted to do. Something you know absolutely NOTHING about, but are still interested in. (For me, it was yarn!) It doesn't have to be anything big. After all...yarn. Not exactly a HUGE thing.
And, when you find that something, just go for it. Don't 'what if' yourself out of it.
Set out to learn a new hobby, or a new language.
Learn something NEW. And, allow yourself to become obsessed. Allow this new passion, whatever it may be, to consume you.
I can promise you one thing.
You won't regret it.
Life is for living. So get out there, and live, already. Learn. Enjoy.
Lose yourself, in something you love.
And, in doing so, you will find a new, better side of you.
There it is. My evening thought. It may be completely STUPID, but there it is, nonetheless.
Happy looming, everyone.
Good night.
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