Feb 05, 2011 11:39
I 'woke up' this morning, exhausted, and in pain. Truth be told, I didn't sleep all that much, last night. I went to my bed, at about 10 pm, last night, and I fell asleep quickly. But, just after midnight, I woke up, in pain. For an hour, I tossed, and turned on the bed. Finally, at somewhere near 1, I was able to get back to sleep, and at 3, I was awake, yet again. Again, I tossed and turned, and rolled. Finally, I just gave up.
"To hell with it!" I declared. I threw the blankets off, and climbed out of bed (whispering out the word "ouch", at least 10 times, in the process.
I made my way to the living room. I climbed up into my wheelchair (again, saying ouch!) I went to the kitchen, and made coffee. Then, I went to watch QVC.
So...Why all the pain?
Well, I took quite a few tumbles, yesterday. (I swear...I thought walking would get EASIER, as I went along. I seem to be falling quite a bit, lately. )
The first fall happened, at the mall.
I was having a great time, up until that point. I was out, of the house. I was enjoying my day. I had picked up some cute little Valentine's Day cards, to place in the pillows.
I had stopped for a lunch. Pizza, and Coke.
I was walking out of the restraunt, and DOWN I went. Talk about EMBARRASSED! I was in the friggin lobby, of the restraunt. There were about 12 people, waiting on a cushy vinyl seat, and three hostesses, behind the counter. And, every single one of them, saw me hit the ground.
Needless to say, the usual "OH MY GOD!!! ARE YOU OK?" moment, ensued. As this was asked, over and over, by the 15 people who had PERSONALLY witnessed my supreme klutziness (in elevated voices), it drew the attention, of even more people. (Somehow, I became the center of attention, and the football game, being played on 7 screens, was completely ignored. As I tried to get up (whispering out "I'm fine," and feeling my cheeks grow red) 4 more people came to the scene. A man, from the bar. The restraunt manager. A woman, who had been eating a cheesecake. And, a little kid.
The little kid (sweet as a button), grabbed one of my forearm canes, which had, during the fall, slid to the door. "Here go, Mista."
It was a truly HORRIBLE moment. My leg hurt, and so, I could not get up. At least, not right away. I could do nothing, but stay on the ground, for about 5 more minutes (which seemed more like an eternity.) People must have asked, about 100 more times, if I was ok. (Hell no, I'm not ok. My leg hurts, and I am more embarrassed, than I have ever been, in my whole life!)
Finally, I was able to stand up, and I limped, out of the restraunt.
I hobbled, as quickly as possible, to another restraunt, with a full service bar. A margarita was, most definitely needed.
After my margarita, my leg was no longer throbbing. I went shopping, for about another hour, before catching a bus, to take me home.
I got off the bus, and was crossing a street.
Fall # 2!
Half-way across the street, I ate it...AGAIN!
The first fall, was met, with kind people, asking if I was ok. The second fall, was met, with an impatient driver, who could have given a shit.
"GET UP!!!" A lady screamed at me, from a red car. She then went, to lay on her horn.
I made my way up (noticing the tiny scratches, on both hands, from the blacktop.) I then looked this lady straight, in the eyes. "BITE ME!" I screamed, louder than she did. I then flipped her off, and continued to cross the street. (I should say here, that she was a complete moron. My fall, did not, IN ANY WAY, inconvenience her. She was stuck, behind a red light, regardless of if I fell, or not.) Once I was safely across the street, I went to sit, in the grass. I pulled up my pant leg, to see that I had a cut, on my right knee. I had also hurt my back, yet again. And (though I tried, really hard, not to) I started to cry.
I was walking from the garage, to the house. And, fall # 3 had its turn. No humiliation, with this one. My family knows I am a klutz. But, it hurt my lower back, that much more.
"Son of a..." (Well, you can guess how that statement ended.) I made my way, to my feet, repeating the F-word, nonstop. (Normally, my sweetie, or mom, would tell me that this word is tacky, or senseless. But, last night, they just let me go, into my F-bomb fit, of rage.
Three falls, so far. Surely, that should be enough, right? Well...you would think.
Once inside, I decided that I was going to go, take a bath. A nice, hot bubble bath, with salts, and candles, and a glass of wine. A bath, to wash all the dirt, collected from my falls, away.
My sweetie went to the bathroom, with my glass of wine, as I grabbed my robe. I went in, locked the door, and...BOOM!
"WHAT! THE! HELL!!!" I climbed back up, to my feet, and, before my mom, or sweetie could ask, if I was ok, I yelled out, "I'm fine!"
"Ok, Michael. That's enough!" I lit the candles, and climbed into the bath!
Four falls, in one day. That is just friggin HORRIBLE!!!
When I got out, of the bath, and got into nice, comfy (slouchy, ratty) PJs, I went to my stash. I pulled out three skeins of yarn. Yellow, black, and burgandy.
With the yellow, and black yarn, I made a beanie. The first 9 rounds, are yellow. The 10th round, is black, and a black pom-pom, is on top. (I have lovingly decided to call this, my Charlie Brown Beanie.)
I then grabbed my burgandy yarn, and started on a new project.
In a Crochet World magazine (Volume 24, Number 2. April 2001), that my aunt gave me (before officially deciding that she hated me.), there is a project, that caught my fancy. It is this little Egg container, and it was designed by a woman, named Sharon Phillips.
Instead of doing an Easter Egg, I decided to follow this pattern, but use burgandy yarn, for the whole project. (You know, create this burgandy container, to set on top of the pink doily.)
Well...This pattern. I am not happy with it!
I mean, it is a complete FRIGGIN mystery. It tells you, to sc for a round, adding 3 scs, evenly around. Well...maybe to some crocheters, this makes sense. But, not to me. I mean, I get it (I think.) But, why not just write the damned pattern, without making it more difficult than it needs to be? Today I start round 9 of this project, and I am not sure WHAT I am going to end up with, when it is done. Stay tuned!
Well...that is it, for today. Time to go, eat, and get to work, crocheting.
And...If I fall just ONCE today, I am going to go completely psycho.
Happy crocheting.
two years,
8 months,
time span,
part 1