Part 1 Countdown: 14 Days Left

Jan 26, 2011 10:54

Fourteen days! Wow!
When I look at my time left, before I move on to loom knitting, a few different thoughts, race through my mind. First, I cannot believe that I finished all the projects (then some), and still have time, left over. I never anticipated that. I thought I would be rushed, rushed, rushed! It is nice though...being able to take it easy.
Then, I think about loom knitting. MY GOD...How I want to start loom knitting. The workbook, for the loom knitting, rests on the desk, to the left of the computer, I type this out, on. The cover shows numerous looms, wrapped with yarn. Projects, in the works. I find myself impatient. I WANT TO LOOM!!!
Soon, Michael. Soon!
Then, I am surprised. I know I have said this in the past, but as I am thinking on it, I will say it, yet again! I have amazed myself, by sticking with The Yarn Project. In some way, I thought, even as I started this whole thing, that I would give up, rather soon. I mean, I ALWAYS have flaked out...ON EVERYTHING!
I guess I can't say that anymore. And now, I know I WON'T give up, on The Yarn Project. It would be just stupid, wouldn't it? I mean, I have already invested 8 months, of my life, into it. I have made the commitment. There is no turning back. There is only pushing forward.
Yesterday. My God, what an adventure!
I went to Office Depot, to have my computer looked at. This short little man 'helped' me. (He must have been 4 feet tall.) He was, by no means, pleasant. He had this attitude about him, and talked to me, like I was an idiot. As he belittled me, with his words, I couldn't help but want to step on him, and squash him. (A note to vertically challenged people: Never get a shit-head attitude, when you have to look UP, at someone. It could end bad!)
The worst (and slightly funny) part, was this. This little twerp rolled his eyes at me. "Just give me an hour. When you come back, it WILL be fixed." (He said this, in a very rude manner.) I left, to go get food. When I came back, I approached him. Not so rude, as before, he told me: "I could not figure out what was wrong. Sorry." So now, I am bummed, because my computer is STILL not ok. But, I find it funny, that little Brainy Munchkin, who swore to me, in his scummy way, that he could fix my computer, found out he isn't some TINY little computer god, after all.
I grabbed my computer, from his hands, and left the store.
Next up...JoAnn's.
I headed to the yarn, first. Sadly, they had no burgandy yummy yarn. But, I still allowed myself plenty of 'visiting' time, with the yarn. There are 4 aisles, of yarn. And, I spent 15 minutes, in each aisle. One whole hour, of playing with all the yarns. One delightful hour, of petting mohair, and running soft cotton, across my face.
It was a little field trip, to heaven. was off, to get the fiberfill.
But, as luck would have it, they only had big bags, of fiberfill. And, when I say big, I mean ENORMOUS! (Seriously...You would have to have a diesel truck, to haul this bag, home.)
"We just sold out of the smaller bags, earlier this morning," the blonde associate told me.
Of course!
So...I left JoAnn, and went to Michael's.
Once yummy burgandy yarn. But, I did allow myself to play, with the fiber, in this store, as well.
Once fiberfill.
This was getting a bit annoying. (And, I must say...I honestly think that the computer Oompa-Loompa, and the associates, from JoAnn's, and Michael's, all went to the same customer service seminar. None of them, were, by any means, 'people' friendly.)
I got on my scooter, and said aloud: "Walmart, here I come! Please, have fiberfill."
I got to Walmart, and plugged my scooter in, to an outlet, outside. (Half my battery life was gone. There was no way I would make it home, without charging.) I went in. I did not stop, and take the time, to look at the yarn. At this point, I just wanted some DAMNED fiberfill.
"Yes," we have fiberfill, the lady in the fabric department, told me. She took me to the area, where it was.
"Oh! Thank God!"
There in front of me, was fiberfill! Fiberfill...In different amounts. Fiberfill, in a bag small enough for me to be able, to sneak in the house.
I grabbed the bag! As I pulled it, from the wire cage, it was in, I swear, I heard angels, in joyous harmony. "AAAAAAHHHHH!"
I paid for my fiberfill, and decided to grab some fries, and a shake from McDonald's. (I figured that, by taking time, to snack, I would allow my battery to charge, that much more.)
I had not planned on being out, all friggin day. It was supposed to be a relatively quick outing!
I got home, at 7pm.
I grabbed a beer, as I came inside. (Let's be honest...I earned that beer.)I parked it, on my chaise, and (once I was sure nobody was looking), I packed some fiberfill, in the pillow, and stitched it shut.
The Mini-Valentine's Day Pillows, are OFFICIALLY done! YAY!
And, just because a few of you asked, here you go.
After finishing the pillow, I went to my stash. I grabbed myself some blue Sugar & Cream yarn (donated), and went back to the chaise. With my trusted, pale pink, size 'H' hook, I started making a washcloth.
I got a few rows in, before the tendonitis kicked up. Oh, fun!
So, I left the chaise, and went to read.
I am currently reading 'Yarn Harlot: The Secret Life of a Knitter,' by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. It is the second book, of hers, that I have picked up. And, I must admit, I love her writing style. It is funny. It is witty. It is AWESOME!
And then, last night, before going to bed, I read it. And, I feel I must comment on it. So, I will end this entry, with a note, to Stephanie. (If, by chance, you read this, Stephanie, then know that I am a big fan of your writing. But, I feel I must defend the art of crochet.)
To A Wonderfully Witty Writer:
Your books are amazing! They are funny, and I find them very enjoyable. However, last night, while reading your book, I came across something that concerns me. And, I feel I must address it.
In your book, you talk of your feelings, on crocheting. They are, well...Not exactly positive, in nature.
You say, after expressing your feelings, that you have a history, with crochet. You say that none of your projects have turned out, looking worthy. You also say that you will not attempt to crochet, again. (This is upsetting. Crocheting is a wonderful hobby.)
I feel you have not given crocheting a fair chance. I mean, really...even you admit this.
Furthermore, you go into saying that crocheters make silly things, simply because crocheting is a quick way, of working with yarn. Well...I would like to say, that I have seen a few knitted projects (I won't say what), where I have scratched my head, and asked myself: "WHY?"
You go to say that knitting has more 'dangerous' tools, than crocheting. You say a crochet hook is harmless. Let me ask...Have you ever sat, on a crochet hook? It may change your opinion, on this matter.
I will admit, I was more than a little hurt, by your words, on crocheting. And, with your (self-admitted) limited history, with crochet, I feel that your judgements on it, are less than accurate. (This is like me, saying that knitting is aweful, without giving it a shot.)
I will continue to read your works. You have not lost me, as a fan. I just wish that you would not look so harshly, at crochet. It too, is an art form. And, it too, takes determination, and patience.
I honestly believe that, rather than looking down our noses, at other forms of yarn art, we should choose to stick together. Yarn art is, in the end, art...regardless of what method it was worked, using.
I am sorry that you have such views, on crocheting. Maybe one day, they will change.
Here is to hoping.
A Yarnie Fan.
Happy crocheting.

timespan, 8 months, workbooks, crocheted, pattern, yarn, madness, blog, timeline, yarnie, crochet, defensive, 2 years, memoire, books, timeframe, crocheting, part one, project, hook, deadline

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