Part 1 Countdown: 15 Days Left. Planning For The End.

Jan 25, 2011 10:33

First of all, I would like to start this post, by saying thanks. All of you responded, to the whole MOTH thing, in a big way. Your helpful hints are being listened to. As I write this, my yarn is in the freezer (though, sadly, the Dreyer's had to be sacrificed...A freezer only has so much room.) My family thinks I am completely off my rocker. They were looking at me, as I stuffed the yarn, in the freezer, with looks that said it all. 'Oh GOD! He is gone! The Yarn Project has OFFICIALLY made him 100% NUTS!'
"It will guarantee that any eggs moths laid, die off. It may be extreme. But, DAMMIT! I will do WHATEVER it takes, to SAVE THE YARN!!!" I kept right on, stuffing my stash, in the freezer. Moth-sicle, anyone?
This morning started off, the same. Coffee...Bath. I actually attacked the beard, today. (I look like a modern day man, now. Not some crazy, yarn obsessed NEANDRETHAL.) After writing this post, I will have myself a breakfast. I predict something quick.
Then, I will get on my scooter, and be off.
I have told my family that I will be going to Barnes & Noble. And, I am sure, at some point, I will. But, that is not my main reason for today's outing. Nope! I have a secret mission. (I feel like the yarnie version of Inspector Gadget.)
My mission: Go to JoAnn. I have to go, pick up some fiberfill, to finish the V-Day Pillows. Getting the fiberfill, will be easy. I mean, I will be out, on my own. There will no family member, anywhere in the area. I can shop in secret. Who knows...I may even be able to get myself a yummy new yarn. (I am sure it would easy for me to convince myself that yummy new yarn is NEEDED, if it is in burgandy. After all...why shouldn't I add a soft, wonderful trim, around the pillows? Right?)
Not so easy, will be sneaking the fiberfill (and yarn?), into the house. My family has this desire to KNOW what I buy, when I go anywhere. (I am coming up with a plan. Hmmm? I know! I will hide the fiberfill and yarn, in some secret place. Then, late at night, when everyone is asleep, I will sneak out, to the secret place, and bring my goods in. Yes...this will work. I am sure of it.)
I am sure that my time at JoAnn will be difficult.
Part of me (a very large part, I predict), will hear the round loom set, that I still need, calling out to me. "Buy me! Just do it. Don't wait! Buy me, today!" Of course, I have already made up my mind, on this matter. I will wait, until February 9, to buy this loom set. Still though, I feel that I am in for a bit of torture. It will not be easy, for me to leave JoAnn, without this set. But, I will FORCE myself to be strong!
Also, on today's agenda. I will be going, to get my netbook computer checked out. (Hopefully, I can get it fixed, today. Let's just pray it doesn't cost a fortune!)
So, when I get home (and find some way to get my purchase inside the house, unnoticed), I will finish the second pillow. All I need to do, is add the fiberfill, and stitch up, the last side.
Then, another hardship. Once I am finished, I need to find a place, to hide these pillows. (My mom, and sweetie, already suspect, I am working on something, for them. So, they will, I am sure, be on the hunt.)
And lastly...
I know I have talked, in the past, about the way that I have chosen, to end The Yarn Project. I mean...I am devoting two years of my life, to this Project. Two years of learning. And, at the end of my yarn education, there should be a 'graduation', right? There should be a ceremony. A way to say goodbye, to The Yarn Project. A way to end it, with a fun BANG!
I know I said I would keep it a surprise, until the time came. But, I have a hard time keeping things in the dark. So, I am just going to tell you, what I am doing, when this Project has come to a close.
I will be (are you ready)...
Going to Darwin, Minnesota. I will be going on a voyage, to see the largest ball of twine. Now, I know, I know. There is a difference between yarn and twine. I am aware. But, I still think this will be a great thing to see.
And, it was fairly easy to convice my family that this would be a good idea. After all, we have a friend, who lives in Minnesota, so we can always 'go visit him', while we are there.
The specifics of this ball of twine, are on my profile page. Needless to say, it is BEYOND huge.
I cannot wait to go see it.
Well...that is it, for today.
Time to eat, then hit the streets.
Happy crocheting, everyone!

timespan, 8 months, fiber, workbooks, crocheted, goal, pattern, surprise, yarn, madness, blog, timeline, yarnie, crochet, 2 years, memoire, books, timeframe, crocheting, project, deadline, part 1

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