Back To The Grind

Dec 27, 2010 08:54

Another early morning.
My foot went into a spasm, sometime around 4am. I was calmly asleep, when it happened. It was like someone had introduced electricity, to the heel of my foot. A searing shock, followed by full-out pain, as my foot spasm, sent my foot, full-force, against the window beam, right beside my bed.
It was painful! (I know, this seems so obvious. 'Duh, Michael. You kicked a metal beam. Of course that would hurt.') I could feel the tears, welling in my eyes. I wanted to scream out a long line of curse words. I wanted to scream at the window beam. But, I couldn't. My sweetie was soundly asleep.
So, I silently counted to 10, and felt the tears leak down my face. By this time, my foot felt like it was on fire. After reaching '10', I got out of bed, smacking the beam, as I went.
I settled on the couch, with my foot resting in warm water.
Here it is, after 8. Four hours have passed, and my whole friggin foot, is purple. At least it isn't swollen. It just looks like I have been making wine, the old fashioned way. As the bruise came, the pain subsided.
What a way to wake up!
I forgot to tell you, about one of my gifts. Foolish me.
Are you ready?
Well, you remember how I told you that I got the crochet hook case? Ok, so, as I picked it up, I felt this lump, inside of it. With the knowledge, that something was inside the case, I looked at my mom. She sat on the couch, with a HUGE friggin smile, on her face. "Open it!" She clapped her hands together, as she said it.
I obeyed, and slowly unzipped the case.
And, there it was...just waiting for me.
My mother had bought me a size 'I' crochet hook. But, not just any hook. She bought me a clay-handled crochet hook.
I yanked this hook, out of the case, and held it, in my hand. I swear, this was the COOLEST gift. (I can't believe I forgot to tell you about it, yesterday.) I was beyond thrilled, as I clutched the hook. It was like someone had given me a type of magic wand...A wand that would help remove the threat of tendonitis attacks, as I work my final two crochet projects.
After a quick shopping trip, yesterday (where a bottle of pre-mixed margarita, was purchased,) we came back home. I plopped down, on my chaise, and pulled out my soft white yarn.
With my clay handled hook, I went to it.
I popped out 7 squares, yesterday. Row three of the blanket, is now complete! Five more rows remain.
Or, you could also look at it, this way. 25 of the 56 squares, have been worked. I am almost half way done, with square-making.
Once I have all 56 squares worked, and stitched together, I have to do the 'finishing touches'. I have to work 8 rounds, around the granny square collection. The 8 rounds of framing are worked in double crochet, which is simple enough. And, under the instructions, for rounds 2-8, are the following words: 'Repeat Rnd 1.'
As for the color, I will work the frame in...Well, I am really not sure. I know I had mentioned using blue, in the mix. And, we all agreed that blue would be amazing!
But, I have a boat-load of Caron yarn, in the shade of Claret. And, burgandy , black, and white do go well, together. Plus, Josh (the dad of the baby,) likes red tones. So, the Claret would work. And, as I am broke, it would be cost effective, too.
Ok...on another note.
Last night, I announced that I was going to go to the office, and pop on the computer. I wanted to do a check, on my blog.
Let us welcome the nastiness, of my Aunt!
"Oh, you have such a demanding life." She said it in that 'oh, poor you' tone, that I absolutely HATE! But, did it stop there? Well, what do you think?
"Your days are so full. (Still that same tone.) So many people expect so much from you. It must be so difficult, living up to those expectations."
It took all I had, not to shut her down! I mean, what a bitchy collection, of insults.
I wanted to tell her...
"As if your days are so constructive. I can see how playing computer games all day, and being bitchy, can fill one's day, to the absolute MAX. And, just so you know...People DO expect things from me. I have readers, who care. I CARE! I have a passion, for yarn. You know...much the same way you have a passion, for being rude." Instead, I bit my tongue, and decided to be the better person. I chalked it up, as jealosy, that I have something productive to occupy my time. Silently, I went to the office.
I will admit...Even today, I am ROYALLY pissed, at her cruelty. It was COMPLETELY uncalled for.
Oh well.
Today, I will most likely be out, for a while. Maybe I will get the chance to go shopping, for boots. Who knows? I do plan on working 7 saquares, today.
Well...time to go. I am off, to eat. Then, my day begins!
Happy crocheting!

bitchy, hooks, hatred, aunt, fiber, crocheted, pattern, lessons, acrylic, educate, yarn, blog, yarnie, crochet, memoire, books, crocheting, part one, project, granny squares, hook

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