After Christmas

Dec 26, 2010 08:59
At first, I wasn't going to post any pictures, of the beanies. I mean, they aren't part of The Yarn Project. So, why should I post pictures? But, then I decided to just do it. I mean, it has been a while since I posted a picture, for you all to gander at.
In the picture, you will see three beanies, out of the many that I made. (I know, I know...bad picture. Sorry.) Notice the red and green one at the front. It is the one I made for my uncle. It has ear flaps. HEHE!
Christmas is over. YAY! Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Life can officially return to normal. The Holiday insanity is OVER. Today is just another Sunday.
So, I am happy to report that, with the beanies, MOST of them were loved. My mom, and sweetheart, both loved theirs. My aunt, loved hers. My uncle, well...He could have cared less. He just threw his aside, as though it were nothing. (That made me feel kind of like shit.) My nephew and his girlfriend, loved theirs. My sister's boyfried loved his. My sister...not so much. I was crushed, to find that the hard work, I put into her hat, was all for nothing. She thought it was a joke.
Oh can't please everyone, can you? (I should say here, that, while my sister did NOT like the hat, she did LOVE the Wavy Baby Blanket. It left with her, last night. She also tried to take my Halloween Bag. I had to hide that one.)
In short, everyone except for my uncle and sister, LOVED their hats.
So, one of my gifts yesterday, was a cool little crochet hook case. It is made of burgandy vinyl, and is totally AWESOME! I immediately put my hooks into it.
Family started arriving, at roughly 1 pm. And, let me just say...if not for the beer, I would not have made it through yesterday. (I know, that sounds wrong. But, it was like a friggin zoo of family members. And, each one of them, was trying to take center stage. "Oh, look at me! Look at me!") The beer was my friend. Hehe.
As for today...
The plan is simple.
Stay home!
I am more than ready to hit the yarn. It is time to go back to the Bright Nights Wrap/Throw. It is time to tackle this project.
After finishing this, I will take a meditative bath. I will have a large plate of homemade mac n' cheese (breakfast of champions), and then I will GLUE my ass, to the chaise. I will shut the outside world out. And, I will crochet.
From now, to February 8, I have to finish the Bright Nights Wrap/ Throw, as well as the Lion. And, let's be honest. Granny square projects tend to take a bit of time. Sure, you can rush right through making the squares. That is the easy part. But, then you have to stitch all those grannies together. For this process, there are a few words: Redundant. Maddening. Tedious. Well, you get the idea.
I swear...If, after this project, I NEVER work another granny square project, it will be too friggin soon!
Well, that is it, I guess. Time to go, and get cracking at the Bright Nights Wrap/ Throw.
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.
Happy crocheting!

granny square, throw, yarnie, crochet, hobby, crocheted, obsession, gifts, crocheting, part one, pattern, wrap, project, yarn, blanket

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