I Hope I Get Used To It

Nov 22, 2010 10:55

Yarn talk will come, later in this entry. Do not worry...there will be some fabulous fiber talk, at some point.
But first.
Let me tell you a little bit about yesterday.
Well...it was miserable. The stitches on the bottom of my foot are itching me, to high hell. Part of me just wants to rip them out, pain or no pain, just so the itching will stop. I mean, there is no friggin escape from it. "Just don't think about it." Those were the words of wisdom, that my mother spouted out, to me, when I first started complaining about it.
"That is kind of hard!" (I should mention here...when I am uncomfortable, I tend to become a bit of an ass.) I mean, hello. How can I NOT think about the itching? It is there. There is nothing I can do about it. And, knowing that I cannot stop it, makes it itch, all the more. Oh, the viscious cycle of stitches.
Then, there was last night.
I am, as I wrote yesterday, being given antibiotics, through a pick line. So not fun, my friends...SO NOT FUN!
First, there is a saline injection. Then, the antibiotics. Then, another saline injection. And, finally, I am injected with this medication (that I am not even going to attempt to spell out), which keeps my blood thinned down. According to the nurse, who inserted the pick line, I should feel nothing, as this whole process is taking place. According to the nurse, who brought the antibiotics to my house, however, a mild dizzy feeling may be felt.
And the winner of this episode of "To Tell The Truth" is nurse number 2.
I get dizzy. Not just 'mildly' dizzy. Full out dizzy. My head feels light. I feel weak. I can feel the injections, as they occur. They do not hurt. They feel, for lack of a better word "GROSS!" And they sting. According to nurse 2, this sensation should go away, after about a week, if not sooner. Well, I hope so. Because there is nothing pleasant about the way this makes me feel.
After the whole injecting process was done, I took my ass to my bed.
At least my sleep is still good. I sleep so peacefully, it is amazing.
Now that I have spent a few too many words, giving you information, which you probably did not want to know at all, we can switch gears, and head over to a topic, that is a little bit more delightful.
Well, first off.
I am still opening items, found in the care package, Kae sent me. And, what can I say?
Well...Kae knows my taste.
All variegated yarn, so far. All BEAUTIFUL variegated yarn.
And, you all know how much I love variegated yarn. I mean, it is yarn that you can work with, without getting bored. The transitioning of colors, and the interesting patterns, it makes, insures that monotony will not be present, as you crochet. Yesterday, I opened a package, to reveal a skein of Red Heart Sugar N Spice Yarn. In it, are shadesof blue, green, white, tan, and gray. And, the first thing I thought, as I held this skein in my hand, was: SCARF! Now, we all know that I have a set schedule, of projects that I am to do. I am hoping that I can pull out a scarf pattern, for the project, sent in, by a reader. After all, there were many scarf patterns, sent to me. So, the odds are favorable. And, GOD knows I would love to have a scarf, from this yarn.
We will see.
So...the Wavy Baby Blanket.
As you know, I was not too sure how long or how short, it was going to be. I just was going to keep going with it, until I was comfortable with it.
I am there.
Funny enough, it will be the exact size, as called for, in the horrible pattern, found in my book- 34" wide x 42" long.
With this size, I feel this project will be the PERFECT lapghan size. And, it was never my intention to make a FULL out afghan, with this pattern. I just wanted a throw.
I will be finishing this wavy blanket (or, more properly, wavy lapghan), today. So, you will get to see it tomorrow. YAY!
After I finish project, I will immediately begin working on the Bright Nights Wrap/Throw. As you may remember, I am doing this, in black, white, and blue, and will be giving it to a friend. Also, you may remember me saying that I would be doing squares, for this project, while working on my wavy blanket. Well...that did not happen. I have all of 2 square made. I need 54 more, and then I need to stitch them all together, and add the finishing touches, all in time to give this away, as a Christmas gift. YIKES! Talk about a lot of work!
But, I am not intimidated. Nope! I am looking forward to it.
Here I am. I am finishing my wavy blanket. Then, there is just the Bright Nights Wrap/Throw, and the projerct, sent in by one of my readers. That is all that remains, of the crocheting part, of The Yarn Project. It seems like I just started...How can I have accomplished so much, already?
Loom Knitting, get ready. We are going to be meeting, soon.
Well, I am off. Time to go finish my wavy blanket, and start plugging away, at the squares.
Happy crocheting, everyone!

yarnie, crochet, thanksgiving, red heart, fiber, dizzy, crocheted, crocheting, recovery, granny squares, project, yarn, part 1, pain

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