I'm Home

Nov 21, 2010 10:24

Home sweet home!
I got home, last night, actually. On my way home, from the hospital, I could not wait to sit down, in front of my computer, and sign on to my blog. I desperately wanted to write. I thought I would get the opportunity to, last night. But, by the time I actually got home (after being picked up from the hospital, we had to go get my medication, which took forever), I was beyond miserable. I was tired. My foot hurt. And, I have a pick line, in my right arm, which was giving me a bit of problems. It was put in, on Friday, and it has my arm sore.
By the time I got home, there was only one thing I wanted to do.
I wanted to sleep. I wanted to go, curl up on my bed, After taking pain meds, and getting antibiotics put into the pick line, I slowly made my way to my bed, and was asleep in no time.
Today, I woke up at 8 am. I am still fighting with pain, though it is not as bad, as it was last night.
I would like to take this time, to tell you all what was found, in the wound, on my left foot.
The surgery found that a forien body (stitch wire) was found, in my foot. Half an inch of it, to be exact. It was removed. The bone infection, I was told, was not that bad. It was staph. Hence, the pick line. So far, it is assumed I will need the pick line, for 4 weeks. Antibiotics will be administered, every evening. It is a weird feeling. It feels cold. It is definately something I hope I get used to.
Antibiotics. We all know what that means. No alcohol. Shoot! No beer. No margaritas. And, on my Big Bear anniversary, no wine, from the gift basket, I have purchased.
Oh well.
So, now it is time, for thanks.
Kae. I would like to thank you, so much. Your updates were amazing. And, the care package you sent was incredible. (Kae sent me a package, containing a teddy bear (made by her), and a bunch of yarn.) It took my mind off the surgery. And, when going through pain, in the hospital, I just looked at the bear, and the yarn, and it made me smile. THANK YOU, SO MUCH!
And, special thanks, to all my readers. I looked at all the comments, before starting this entry. It is wonderful to know that so many of you, were wishing me well. Your kind thoughts were felt. I really do not know how I can thank you, all, for the good vibes, you sent my way.
So, while in the hospital...
First off, let me just say, the food SUCKED! (I know, I know...big surprise, right.)
I took my wavy blanket, with me, as Kae has already informed. I thought, going into my surgery, that I would wake up, and crocheting would be something to help get me through.
And, I did mange to get quite a bit done, on my blanket. Granted, it took some getting used to. Let me tell you...trying to crochet, with and IV in your left hand, and a monitor, on the middle finger, of your right hand. Well...you can imagine what that was like. I think it would have been easier to crochet, while wearing oven mitts. Eventually, however, I got the hang of it.
Then, there was the other hindrance. The nurses would come in, right when I got into my "crochet zone". I would be happily stitching away, and BAM...they would inject me with pain meds. They would leave the room, and 2 minutes later, it was LIGHTS OUT, MICHAEL! I would wake up, hours later, with my wavy blanket sprawled across me. And, my hook would be on the floor. Then, I would have to call a nurse, to come get my hook. And, we all know...sometimes, those nurses just DON'T come.
Through it all, I managed to reach (and pass) the 3 foot mark, of my wavy blanket.
I plan on working on it, today. After all, I am not supposed to be up, on my feet, for a while. I have to fill my time, doing something.
One more thing...
Yesterday, on the way home, we made an additional stop. Before going to the pharmacy, we went to a friend's house. His mother is so sweet, to me.
It is like Christmas has come, early. So many of you have sent yarn, and patterns my way. And, while at my friend's house, his mother came out with this bag, filled with yarn. I am happy to say that my yarn stash is, thanks to generous gifts, starting to build back up.
It is time for me to sign off. My foot is hurting, and pain meds are needed. And, well...one should never type, while under the influence.
Thank you again, everyone. All of your well wishes, and comments have truly made my day.
Happy crocheting!

comments, yarnie, crochet, wavy blanket, support, crocheted, crocheting, part one, recovery, yarn, gift, pain

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