In Need of More Pomp-A-Doodle

Oct 26, 2010 10:42

So, this morning, I woke up at 7 am. I have rushed through my two cups of coffee, watched an episode of Dexter, and, after writing, I am ready to take a bath, and start my day. As I was watching the show that I love to cringe to, I was working, fervently, on my afghan. I was enjoying my time, fiddling with the Pomp-A-Doodle. And, I realized something, this morning.
I have OFFICIALLY reclaimed some of the passion, for working with yarn.
Sure, I have had fun, playing around with yarn. There is something delightful, about feeling the yarn, on your fingers. But, this afghan...well. It was such a giant project. When I started it, back at the beginning of September, I was beyond naive. I thought it would be a cake walk. I mean, I had my 50 grannies. How hard could it be? Just stitch those squares together, and throw in a few extra panels. Viola...a cool afghan, that would be fun, fun, fun, to make. I would be done with it, in no time, at all. Then, it would be on to the next project.
I mean, that is how it was, before this afghan. Most of the projects have been simple. Sure, they may take a bit of time. But, I was always ahead of the game. I always had extra time, to spare. So, naturally, I wasn't too concerned, about this afghan.
I got through the first two rows, at an almost freakish speed.Then, almost overnight, something shifted. I realized, as I was working row three, that, hey...This is a lot of FRIGGIN work!
This realization...well, it SUCKED! It came at me, almost out of nowhere, as I was working on a panel. And, when it came, it attacked me hard. From that moment on, this afghan has been a project, that has tested the hell right out of me. It was on that day, when my foolishness was ripped away, that crocheting this afghan lost so much of its appeal. From that day on, working on this afghan became a chore...It became tedious!
If I am being totally honest, I must say this. By the beginning of October, after we returned from the Cruise to HELL, I went back to crocheting this afghan. And, I HATED it! It had become a project, that I absolutely dreaded. Waking up, and knowing I had to work on it, almost sent me into fits of rage. My eyes would roll, at the very thought of going to this afghan. There were days, when I would whine, and carry on, when I picked up my hook. And, the first time a stitch gave me the slightest bit of trouble, or my yarn decided to fray, just a bit...well, that was it. I would go into a complete MELTDOWN! I would scream. I would cry. I would swear, that there was NO WAY IN HELL, that I would ever be done, with this 'damned' afghan! Then, I would curse. I would throw out EVERY  foul word, ever created. I would raise my hands, into the air, and proclaim: "I AM FRIGGIN DONE!" Then, 5 minutes later, I would be crocheting, again. (Even as I threw this threat out, I knew it was an empty threat. There is NO way, I could give up. The Yarn Project has got me completely...HOOKED!) So, I would go on. And then, the next day would come. And, the vicious cycle would start, all over again!
I swear, if not for the support of my readers, this afghan would have DESTROYED me.
Now, here I am. I am adding the finishing touches, to this afghan. I am working with Pomp-A-Doodle (which, you may have been able to guess, I love.) And, almost overnight, again, I have come back to LOVING yarn. I have come back to holding my hook, with joy...not hating it, and holding it, in a death grip. I look at what I have created. And, I love it.
And now...I cannot wait to finish this project., and move onto the next.
Funny...One project has put me through the Yarnie Roller-Coaster. I have been through my fair share of 'ups' and 'downs'. And, more than a few times, this afghan has put me through the loops.
And then, there is the one thing, this afghan has done, that outshines EVERYTHING.
It has shown me just what I can do, when I put my mind to it.
Now, the final projects, of the crocheting part of The Yarn Project, don't seem as daunting. I face them, with a grin.
This moprning, I have gone, as far as I can go, until I make my trip to JoAnns. I have worked my way through my ball of Pomp-A-Doodle yarn. So, while out today, I will buy myself some more. Then, I will also buy some of the yarn, needed for my next project...The Wavy Baby Blanket.  
And, since we are talkiing of this upcoming project...
While working the Girl's Wrist Warmers, all of you told me, in some way or another, the same thing...That you think I should use colors I like. You told me that you guys would like to see these projects, as seen in my workbook, done in colors that give them my own flair.
And, I have decided to take your advice.
The Wavy Baby Blanket, as seen in I Taught Myself Crochet, has 7 diffrerent colors, going on.  According to the pattern, the yarn called for is lemonade, grape, watermelon, blue mist, limelight, mango, and berry blue. And, you know what? It isn't bad looking. But, I have used all of these colors, to great lengths, in my enormous afghan. I am tired of them. So, time for me to go my own route, here.
I have decided to use Christmas tones, and create this blanket, as a Holiday goodie. I am not sure what yarns I will be using, as of yet. But, tomorrow, I will let you know.
Ok...I have written my two cents, for the day. And now, my bath calls me.
Happy crocheting!

3, learn, instructions, wright, influence, hooks, 8 months, broomstick lace, surprise, yarn, treble, experiment, practice, single stitch, fiasco, yarnie, slow, work, tunisian, afghan, hell, enjoyment, 3 methods, two years, design, caron, blog, meltdown, patterns, cotton, schedule, document, methods, treble stitch, afghan stitch, shawl, funny, crochet fork, specialty item, abandon, complete, fiber, book, needle, colorful, support, record, memory, mad, project, final, 50, half double, alteration, blanket, addicted, three methods, books, craft, create, knowledge, granny squares, part 1, hook, knit, throw, crochet hook, loom, red heart, double stitch, tools, lessons, huge, comedy, 2 years, stress, log, deadline, change, hobbies, diagrams, addition, crocheted, list, appointment, madness, needles, double crochet hook, projects, heirloom, lesson, pillow, humor, stitch, cro-hook, contest, fun, stitches, livejournal, pattern, ravelry, memoir, acrylic, timeline, three, workbook, granny square, teach, boye, challenge, freak, wool, 50 squares, wintuk, plan, learning, bitchy, eight months, skein, lapghan, obsessed, knitting needles, 2, knitting, crochet, teaching, chores, sample, hobby, time, timeframe, crocheting, cal-king, affirmation, update, treasure

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