Late Start, On A Gloomy Day

Oct 06, 2010 12:28

Here it is, almost noon. I just finished eating (Would a meal at 11:30 qualify as brunch, or lunch?) I am still in my PJs...still working on a cup of coffee. Today, climbing out of bed was a struggle. Even now, a very big part of me wants to go, climb under the blankets, and become Winchester's embodiment of Rip Van Winkle. (Part of me fears the work, I have cut out for me, today. To work on my afghan in a comfortable way, I have to sprawl it out, on my bed. Part of me wonders...will that visit to my bed, result in successful work on the afghan, or a snooze-fest?) Of course, I blame my lazy-ass disposition, on the sudden cool streak. Rainy weather...part of the reason I love it so, is because you get to stay in that house, all comfortable...and lazy as all hell.
Anyway...yesterday was a busy day.
As you know, I had an early appointment. At 8 in the morning, I saw my new surgeon. He gave me the play by play. I was told that, once my insurance approves it, my ass will taking another trip to the operating room. Oh, what fun. (Have you ever matter how cold it may be, outside, when in a doctor's office, it is always hot?) Then, I went for a breakfast, and generally just killed time, until, my therapy appointment, at 11 am. Boy, what a fun little venting session that was.
I got home, wrote my blog entry for the day, and immediately set out to crochet.  I pulled out my yarn, and my hook. I pulled out the pattern. (Let me just say...Even on the second try, this pattern did not make one single bit of sense.)
At roughly 1 in the afternoon, I began working on the second wrist warmer.
At roughly 3 in the afternoon, with tendonitis welcoming itself to my wrists, I finished my second wrist warmer.
And, after that, I took a nap. Or, should I say, I fell into a coma. I was pulled out of my sleep five hours later, by a voice telling me that dinner was done.
I know...I know...I wasted my day away. I should have kept myself awake, and worked (at least a little bit) on my afghan. But, on the plus side, I finished my wrist warmers, in a time frame that I am completely amazed by.
So, without further delay, here they are. My wrist warmers.
I am sure you will agree that my color choice is far superior to the cluster of tacky colors, as dictated by the book. I wish I had wrists to properly showcase my wrist warmers. But, alas, my wrists are too damned big. And, I cannot ask my mother. Why? Because I have decided that they will be my Christmas gift, to her.
So...there we are.
All the simple, small projects are out of the way. Now, the real battle begins. Four months remain of my time allotted to crochet. In this timeframe, I have to finish my ENORMOUS afghan (I am both so close, and so far, from finishing it.) I also have to create the Wavy Baby Blanket (appoximately 34" wide by 42" long, all in single crochet). Also, the Bright Nights Wrap/Throw (approximately 44" by 52"). For this project, I have to create 56 granny squares. Then, they all have to be stitched together.  Lastly, there is the project, which will be chosen randomly from projects you guys have submitted. Some of these are small, and will present no problem, at all. And, then there are the bigger projects, which may prove to challenge the hell out of me.
I definately have my work cut out for me. Let us only hope that my upcoming surgery does not take me out of commission for too long. I really don't think I can afford to lose a lot of time, from this point on.
Let the stress of big projects, now begin.
The Yarn Project is now going to test me, in a whole new series of ways.
I am nervous, overwhelmed, a little stressed, and completely engaged in this Project, of mine.
Well...time to go.
Time to start my day. If I keep procrastinating, I will waste my whole damned day, away.
Happy crocheting!

3, learn, instructions, wright, hooks, 8 months, yarn, treble, experiment, practice, single stitch, slow, work, tunisian, denied, afghan, enjoyment, 3 methods, badgering, two years, design, caron, attempt, blog, meltdown, fair, bitch, wrong, patterns, cotton, fear, schedule, document, methods, treble stitch, afghan stitch, shawl, funny, crochet fork, specialty item, complete, welcome, fiber, book, needle, colorful, support, record, memory, mad, attitude, project, preparation, hot, gloves, 50, half double, blanket, addicted, books, craft, create, knowledge, granny squares, part 1, hook, knit, comments, crochet hook, loom, red heart, double stitch, tools, lessons, recovery, comedy, 2 years, stress, fans, postal service, log, deadline, hobbies, diagrams, joining yarn, crocheted, list, appointment, madness, needles, education, projects, double crochet hook, heirloom, lesson, pillow, stitch, cro-hook, pin, fun, stitches, livejournal, pattern, ravelry, memoir, acrylic, bernat, timeline, workbook, granny square, boye, challenge, freak, wool, 50 squares, wintuk, plan, bitchy, learning, eight months, skein, lapghan, obsessed, knitting needles, 2, educate, wrist warmers, gift, knitting, crochet, sample, battle, hobby, timeframe, crocheting, affirmation, update, treasure

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