The Unkempt Yarnie

Oct 04, 2010 11:01

There once was a time, not too long ago, when things mattered, to me. One of those things, was personal appearance. I would strive to ALWAYS look my very best. There was deep thought, put into each outfit. At least half an hour was spent, in front of my closet. Shirts and pants/shorts ALWAYS matched.  Wrinkles were never allowed. Dirt on shoes would IMMEDIATELY be brushed off.
Part of my daily ritual was shaving. I was never one for facial hair. A 5 o'clock shadow was, quite simply, unacceptable. Finger nails were always nicely trimmed. And, my hair....oh, boy. I would spend a generous amount of time, on hair (not to mention hair gel.) Each and every strand had to be in place. And, if after 30 minutes of blow-drying, I was not completely satisfied, I would dunk my hair in water, and start all over again.
Even after my surgery, when all I did was sit around in the house, I insisted on looking my very best. I had my hair cut super short, so combing it was not needed. Shaving was still a daily thing.  And, the sweat-pants I was forced to wear, had to match the tee-shirt. If they did not match, well...all hell broke loose.
Yes, I used to be completely obsessed with the way I looked.
Then, yarn came into my life.
Drinking my coffee this morning, I realized something. My obsession with yarn has completely over-ruled my obsession with appearance. I guess I am one of those people who can only obsess on a single thing.
Now, hair gel is NEVER used. My hair is just long enough to need to be combed, but I rarely do it. I have little curls popping out, all over my head. Now, a 5 o'clock shadow is not only welcome...It is the norm. (I swear, my face could easily be mistaken for a wire-brush, today.) Shaving, after all, takes time. Time that could be spent, crocheting.
Clothing is no longer perfectly chosen. I tend to just throw on whatever is convenient. Who has time to get all dressed up, when working with yarn, anyway?
And, finger nails. Well..trimming them is no longer needed, as stress from  yarn has led to me biting them, quite frequently. (It is a habit I am desperately trying to break.)
My friends...I went from being a well-dressed, perfectly presentable man, to a very unkepmt yarnie. How did this happen?
And, as for friends?
Well, this is trul;y sad. Even I can see that.
I used to like hanging out with my neighbor. I used to love wasting away my days with her. Now, when she comes over, I silently find myself bitching. I still love hanging out with her, but, at the same time, minutes spent with friends, are minutes NOT spent with yarn.
How sad is it, that I have, in so short a time, become COMPLETELY dependent on my yarn?
Damn, I need help!
Yesterday, I was perched on my bed, with my afghan sprawled out, in front of me. I was totally in my zone. All was good.
A few hours...that is all the time, I got.
I was peacefully working on a panel, when my neigbors showed up.
"Crud!" I looked at my yarn, and whispered, "so much for the crochet-all-day plan, I had." I pulled myself away, from my afghan, and went outside. For the rest of the evening, I pretended as though yarn was the farthest thing from my mind. The fact was that I deeply wanted to be left alone. Just me, my hook, and my yarn. Is that too much to ask for?
By the time everything had calmed down, I was too tipsy from margaritas (I could not smuggle the bottle on the ship), to even see straight. Through myu buzz, I realized crocheting and hard alcohol may not be a good mix. So, I folded my afghan up, and tucked it away.
As for today...
First, I will stay away from the margaritas (at least until it gets too dark to work with yarn.)
I have decided to give the afghan a rest, for the day. Instead, today, I will spend my time, working on my wrist warmers. (This is what I love about starting more than one project. You have a choice of what to work on.) By the way, I have officially decided that the individual who wrote the finished pattern, for these wrist warmers, as it is typed in the book, must use English as a second language. It is rather funny. I compare the text of this pattern, to that of every other pattern in this book. And, it just doesn't match up. Not at all.
I am a little bit nervous, as I look at this pattern. The cuffs are ribbed. I have never had to work a rib, up to this point. I am a novice ribber. I think these wrirst warmers might not be as easy as I originally thought they would be. I have decided to adopt a new mantra, as I go about creating these wrist warmers. I am not afraid of challenges....I am not afraid of challenges...I am not aftraid of challenges...(Maybe if I repeat this enough, it will start to become the truth.)                                                                                                                                                        
Well I am off...Time to go, and play around with these wrist warmers. (And, if my neighbors swing by for a visit, today...well, they will have to vie for my attention.)
Happy crocheting!

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