Back To The Afghan

Sep 20, 2010 08:55

For the past few days, it seems that there has continuously been something, that has kept me from working on my afghan. My snapping needles, the murder of my hook...tendonitis, brought on by the Blah Hook. Friday, there was the trip to the mall. Yesterday was my Uncle's Birthday. So, he took top priority, and the afghan never made it out of my craft bag.
Well, today, that has to change. Today, there is nothing that will keep me away, from my yarn. Ok...I suppose I will allow myself some time, to do a few steps, around my yard. Maybe I can find some time to squeeze in the main meals, of the day. But, other than is all yarn, all day.
As I write this, I am somewhat upset.
At the beginning of this month, I set myself up. Little did I know what I had set myself up for...FAILURE!
One month. That totally seemed like enough time, to incorporate my grannies, into a rocking afghan. I mean, how hard could it possibly be, to take squares that already exist, and stitch them together?
God, what a friggin fool, I was.
Now, I see that a bit more time should have been allowed. And, on a whole, The Yarn Project will not suffer, in any way, because this aghan is taking a bit longer to create. The only that will suffer, is my ego. The realization that this afghan is not going to be done, before the cruise...well, it has knocked me right the hell off, my friggin high horse.
I sit here...and I have FRIGGIN NOTHING TO SAY! Nothing at all. How sad is that.
So, I guess  that means it is time to go. Only a few paragraphs. That is all you get from me, today.
Happy Crocheting!

addicted, 3, 8 months, 2 years, 50, 50 squares, 2, acrylic, 3 methods

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