I Am Starting To Like It!

Aug 12, 2010 10:50

After writing my entry, yesterday (and having breakfast: eggs), I set off to work. I pulled out my hook, and yarn. And, I played around.
Creating your own pattern...what can be said, about it?
For some reason (God knows why), I thought it would be relatively easy. When I started this Mystery Fair Project, I thought to myself: How hard can it be, to create something completely MINE? God, what a fool!
First off, there is a lot of tinkering around. A lot of wrongs happen, before you are lucky enough to find the right. Then, there is all the writing....and deleting...and RE-WRITNG. Every time I try something, I have to write down every step. Then, when it doesn't work, I have to go back, delete what I wrote, and start, all over again.
But, man oh man...when you FINALLY get that pattern, that works. Well, it is a GREAT feeling. You feel like you are on top of the world...like you are standing on top of the tallest mountain, with a hook in your hand, and you proclaim: "I have done it! I have created something, from my own design! I have worked MY OWN PATTERN!" You can almost see the Yarn Gods smiling! You can hear the Hallelujah Chorus! You get this amazing high...and you hope that you will never come down!
Since starting this Mystery Project, I have been the Pattern Professor, the whole time. There are numerous "pieces" to this project, and each piece is of my own design. I will admit...creating my own patterns is driving me mad. But, sometimes madness can be absolutely DELIGHTFUL! Every time something doesn't work, I curse. I curse the yarn, the hook..myself, for creating a faulty pattern. The obscenities just roll right off my tongue. One after the other. Each time I have to delete a 'bad pattern', I feel like crying. I feel like pulling my hair out. (Probably not wise, as I am starting to thin out, already.) I feel like throwing my hook...but, having still not found the last hook I threw, I avoid doing so. Instead, I walk away from the yarn. I go outside, do a little  bit of walking...tire myself out, completely. Then, by the time I go back to the yarn, I am happy to see it.
Yesterday was a full day.
First, as mentioned above, I worked on my Mystery Project.
Then, it was time to tackle the two granny squares. I worked lucky grannies 69, and 71, yesterday. First, let's discuss granny 69.
For granny 69, there are three stitches, found in the stitch guide: Treble crochet, Beginning Popcorn, and Popcorn. First off, let me say this. Yesterday, while working this square, I noticed the beginning popcorn, and popcorn had changed. In previous squares, they are worked in one way. In this square, they are done another way. This is completely strange to me. I mean, if the stitch has changed...well, shouldn't it be called something different. That is like working a single stitch, correctly. Then, working a half-double, and still calling it a single. It makes no sense.
Other than that, this square was a breeze to do. There are 5 rounds to it. The pattern in the book is done in pink. I decided, instead, to do this square in a nice shade of hunter green. It came out completely awesome looking.
Next, it was on to square 71. In this pattern, only one stitch, is in the stitch guide: Treble. As with square 69, square 71 is worked in 5 rounds. In the book, the square is made using a light and dark green, and ecru. (I could launch into a ecru fit. But, let's face it...that would be redundant.) I decided to have a bit of fun with this particular square...decided that I would go on the wild side. Time to get a little bit funky, with the yarn.
As you should know (if you have been following my blog), I am not afraid of loud, vibrant color combinations. I like color combinations that stand out. This square DEFINATELY stands out.
I decided to work this square, using four different variegated yarns. I thought it would be fun. If nothing else, it would definately be a first...I have never used JUST variegated. And, I must say, I like it. True, it is a bit loud...but there is something about it. Well, I will let you judge for yourself. I know some may not like it, but I do.

Okay...I know it is loud. I know some may not love it. But, I do! I would actually dare to say that this square has become my personal favorite.

After working these two squares, I worked on my pillow. Two more rows of half-double were needed, which is what I guessed. So, I got those out of the way. Then, I did one row of broomstick lace.
And, I must say...
Now that I am a good way into the first half of this pillow, my opinion of it may be changing, a little bit.
As you will recall, I used to destest this pattern. I just did not think it would look nice. But, last night, after finishing with it, for the evening, I looked at it. I don't just mean a quick glance...I actually LOOKED at it. And, I must admit, it looks nice. I think I may really wind up liking this pillow, when I am finished with it.
We will see.
As for today...
Well, when finished with writing this, I will be going to the mall. Not that this has anything to do with yarn, but I am still thrilled over it.
I am going shoe shopping, today.
For longer than I can even remember, I have wanted a pair of Van's slip-ons. I see people wearing them, and I have always thought they looked cool. But, my feet just would not go into them, before my surgery. But, now...well, now is my time. Let the shoe shopping begin! (I fear that, now that I will be walking, and my shoes will not get destroyed, I may become a big time shoe whore.)
After shoe hunting, I will be returning home, where I will crochet. Since I have family visiting, I will cut my crochet time down, a bit. I will work one square, one more row of my broomstick lace pillow, and give myself a bit of time with my Mystery Project.
Well, I have got to go. The shoes are calling me.
Happy crocheting!

3, learn, instructions, wright, influence, hooks, 8 months, broomstick lace, surprise, yarn, treble, experiment, practice, single stitch, slow, work, tunisian, afghan, enjoyment, coaster, 3 methods, two years, design, caron, attempt, blog, meltdown, fair, patterns, cotton, schedule, document, methods, treble stitch, afghan stitch, shawl, funny, crochet fork, specialty item, mystery, complete, food, fiber, book, needle, colorful, easy, thrift store, record, memory, mad, heat, project, hot, 50, half double, mri, blanket, addicted, expensive, three methods, books, craft, create, knowledge, granny squares, part 1, hook, knit, comments, throw, crochet hook, loom, red heart, double stitch, heatwave, tools, summer, lessons, recovery, comedy, 2 years, stress, log, deadline, hobbies, diagrams, joining yarn, crocheted, bag, list, madness, susan, needles, education, projects, double crochet hook, heirloom, lesson, pillow, humor, stitch, cro-hook, pin, fun, stitches, livejournal, pattern, ravelry, acrylic, bernat, timeline, three, workbook, granny square, teach, boye, challenge, freak, wool, 50 squares, wintuk, plan, learning, eight months, picture, knitting needles, skein, lapghan, obsessed, 2, educate, gift, knitting, crochet, teaching, battle, sample, memoire, hobby, time, wrights, timeframe, crocheting, fit, update, treasure, pain

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