Home Sweet Home

Aug 02, 2010 11:55

Yesterday, I spent 6 hours (which is about 6 hours TOO damned long), in the car, on my way home.
At the half-way point, I stopped at a restraunt. Let me tell you...you have bad food. Then, you have the food, at this restraunt. It didn't even merit the title of being 'bad food.' 'Bad food' at least has a taste. This food had none of that. The only thing it offered was different textures. The 'garlic bread' had no garlic. And, I think the 'butter', that made the surface of this toast yellow, was not butter, at all. I think it was just yellow food coloring. One word describes the food, offered at this restraunt. Bland. Bland, bland, bland, bland, bland!
When I got home, my dog literally attacked me. He jumped right in the car, on my lap, and began what I will call a 'licking frenzy.' His tail was going a mile a minute. What a warm welcome.
I am so FRIGGIN happy to be home!
My last few hours in Paso Robles, I had my ass parked in one of the comfy chairs, at a Starbucks. On the table beside me, my Cinnamon Dolce Frap. I pulled out my yarn, my hook, and went to work.
And, some guy could not help but STARE at me.  He was a college guy....probably about 19. And, in some way, I must have offended the hell out of him. It was like I was committing a sin. Thou shalt not work with yarn in Starbucks. He scrunched up his face, something awful. It looked as though he had ate a raw lemon. I honestly wanted to ask him. "Can I help you?" I mean, he just stared. And stared...AND STARED! What the HELL! Just go back to reading your textbook, you college punk! And, while your at it....you might seriously consider taking a social communications class. You could SERIOUSLY work on your FRIGGIN people skills! 
Finally, still glaring at me (as though I were some disgusting freak), he quickly packed his stuff in his bag, and rushed out.
"Bye-bye, college bitch-boy!"
When I was no longer the center of harsh attention, I was able to get into a comfort zone.
And, I worked my first of the two squares I created, yesterday.
Square 26!
This square has 6 rounds to it. It was a fairly easy square to create. I sipped on my delightful drink, and hooked my way through the instructions, for this square.  For the sample found in the book, they used a green yarn, that resembles the color of split pea soup. So not a cool color. So, I chose to, as always, use my own shades. I worked the first five rounds in a light purple. The 6th round, a frame worked in double crochet, was done in my watermelon yarn. (I should say that I am becoming more comfortable using my watermelon, and mango yarn...just not in the same thing.) So, check this out.

The second square I created, square 20, was equally as easy.
As for today:
Well, I will most likely take a break from the squares. It is time to seperate myself from the grannies...at least, for a day.
I will spend my day working the flowers for the shawl. I am not really sure how many of them there will be. I will just keep adding them on, until I feel satisfied. I know that I am doing the pink flowers. But, I may also choose to throw some brown ones on, just for texture. I am not really sure, yet.
But, I do know this. Be ready...
Tomorrow, my dear readers, you will see the shawl!
Well, I am off. I know this is a short entry. But, everyone around me feels the need to draw my attention away, and I am simply not able to focus. Let us just hope they get it out of their systems soon, so that I can have peace, when working on the flowers.
Happy crocheting!

(Just a note: Look on my profile page, to see the update on my project. As of today, I have posted the complete 28 projects.)

3, learn, instructions, crochet hook, throw, hooks, 8 months, loom, double stitch, red heart, tools, recovery, lessons, yarn, treble, experiment, practice, single stitch, healing, work, tunisian, 2 years, afghan, enjoyment, log, coaster, 3 methods, deadline, change, two years, caron, crocheted, joining yarn, bag, list, attempt, blog, meltdown, susan, needles, education, double crochet hook, patterns, cotton, lesson, heirloom, schedule, document, methods, treble stitch, pillow, afghan stitch, shawl, funny, cro-hook, stitch, crochet fork, fun, complete, stitches, fiber, livejournal, ravelry, pattern, hobby craft, acrylic, bernat, book, needle, colorful, three, timeline, granny square, workbook, challenge, boye, teach, easy, record, flower, wool, wintuk, project, plan, learning, eight months, picture, 50, half double, obsessed, lapghan, skein, 2, blanket, educate, gift, addicted, knitting, teaching, crochet, battle, wrights, time, hobby, memoire, three methods, books, timeframe, craft, knowledge, crocheting, part 1, hook, knit

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