Summer & Blankets DON'T Mix, Michael!

Jul 16, 2010 09:51

Yesterday, as you may recall, I wrote of my frustration in not being able to do the Bright Nights Wrap/Throw, that I had originally planned as my second project. At first, it ABSOLUTELY killed me, having to change my layout. But then, thanks to the words of so many of my readers, I was able to realize something I hadn't before. Working on a blanket, in the middle of July (with temperatures close to, if not above, 100 degrees) would be murder. It would be like crochet hell. In time, the blanket would get heavy. I would have to rest it on my lap, and then...well, let's just say,  NOT FUN! So, thank you, readers.  You talked me out of a major crochet "no-no!" (Not to mention, you talked me away from attaining self inflicted second-degree YARN BURNS!)
So, the new layout, is as follows; (by the way, I added another small project. I must enjoy stress.) the Crochet Bag, Cell Phone Case, Cro-Hook Cool Coasters, Broomstick Lace Pillow, Girl's Wrist Warmers, Wavy Baby Blanket, then Bright Nights Wrap/Throw. With this new layout, I will be working these blankets in the middle of winter, where they will not smother me. I will work on them, when the days are cool, and I can enjoy my time with them.
The Crochet Bag:
I am going to finish this project, today! The two halves of this bag have been completed, and now, I am half-way through the gusset, which will add a bit more space, by lining the sides.  After I finish this gusset, this bag will be stitched together, and I can marvel at the first full-out complete project. Sure, I have made washcloths. But this. This is more than a washcloth. This will be a thing of beauty.
The Granny Squares:
Today, I go back to the granny squares. This morning, I searched through the book, looking for the right square to work, today. And, I found it. Lucky square 33...come on down. You are the next contestant on "Let's Get HOOKED!"  This square consists of five rounds, and uses two different types of clusters (Beginning Cluster, and Cluster). On one hand, it looks so simple. But, on the other hand, it looks delicate. And, delicate usually means hard. So, will this square be easy to work, or will it wind up WORKING me? Stay tuned.
While I am on the subject of granny squares (or, to be more accurate, the granny squares found in 99 Granny Squares To Crochet), I feel as though I have to talk about it. This book, chalk-full of squares, was published in 1998- 12 years ago. So, it is only natural that the squares it shows seem a little dated. But, some of these squares...well, the color choices are more than just a  'little' dated. Some of these squares use colors that would have been RETRO in the 1970s. Now, they are just plain PATHETIC. Then, other squares look as though they were worked on the set of the Golden Girls. I mean, really. There are just certain colors that one should NEVER mix. Certain color combinations are just WRONG! Some of these squares, found in this book, must be so embarassed by their looks. Show mercy, please, I can imagine some o these square saying. My existence is a joke. A COMPLETE JOKE! Be kind. Put me out of my misery. Just UNRAVEL me!
Thankfully, I am only working the PATTERNS found in this book. As for yarn, well...different colors have thrown into the mix. BETTER colors. My squares are vibrant, color combinations. Okay, so maybe a little funky. But, definately better than working a square that pays homage to all the different shades one would find in dirt.
Square 33, in the book, uses two shades of blue. Now, don't get me wrong, I like blue. But, these shades...well, how can I say this. THESE SHADES ARE JUST...SAD! So, this old square is soon to get a face lift. I am thinking white (always a clean color choice), with just a dab of variegated pink. (I should say, variegated yarn is like crack to me. Yarn is a drug...I believe I have already more than established that. As for variegated yarn...well, it is the good stuff. Grade-A, prime choice stuff. I love it! It is so fun. It "POPS" at you, with all its different shades. It is definately NOT-BORING!
Lastly, the shawl...
Last night saw me up until midnight, again! I was tired as hell, but I could not get comfortable. (Since my bilateral foot surgery, I have had moments of Restless Leg Syndrome. So not fun! Last night, wouldn't you know...RLS!) So, as my legs threw themselves around in convulsions, my hands worked on the shawl. Two more rows done. It is really coming out nicely.  After working two rows, my legs stopped doing gymastics, and I was able to go to sleep.
Well, I should go. Granny square 33 is waiting for its transformation, from Boring Blue, to Pink and White Perfection.
Happy crocheting!

complete, 8 months, loom, fiber, heirloom2 years, lessons, acrylic, yarn, needle, timeline, granny square, boye, teach, stress, record, dated, project, deadline, change, two years, eight months, addition, bag, educate, meltdown, blog, knitting, crochet, hobby, memoire, document, books, craft, timeframe, crocheting, humor, update, shawl, hook, knit

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