Change In Plans, I Think....

Jul 15, 2010 09:50

Last night saw me staying up until 1 am, working fervently on the shawl.  My eyes kept closing, threatening to not open again. My mind was completely shutting down. Part of me thinks that, for a good while of the time, I was unconscious...that I was 'sleep crocheting. '(Do not disturb. Never disturb a sleep crocheter...they will spook, when they wake. Just let them be.) Every cell in my body was complaining...begging me for sleep. C'mon. Just drop the hook. Put down the yarn. Let your head find the pillow. Drift into a coma. Yet, tired as I was, I couldn't stop. I had to keep going. I knew the shawl would be there, waiting for me, as I woke. But, that didn't matter. I had to work on it. Even as the line between reality and dreams started wearing thin, I still sat, propped up by a pillow, crocheting.
Night is really the ONLY time that I can work on the shawl. So, I have to use what I have, right? Besides, I am completely addicted to yarn now. There is no shame...I admit it. My name is Michael. I am a YARN JUNKIE! Can you pass the hook? Last night...well, we can just say that last night, I was in desperate need of a late night fix. The addiction COMPLETELY had hold of me, last night.
I finished 4 rows of the shawl, last night, before my body finally shouted: ENOUGH! I was so tired, at completion of my last row, that I could not even manage to put the shawl in my craft bag. That required energy, which I did not have. Energy that had vacated my body over an hour earlier. So, I just let the yarn, and ths shawl, fall to my side. I put the hook on my night-stand, instead of in its case. And, before I could even turn off my light, I was OUT!
You know you are "hooked" (pardon the pun), when you can't escape crocheting, even as you sleep. That is right, friends. Last night, even in my dreams, I was working on the shawl. Well, it wasn't exactly a dream. It was more like a nightmare. I worked treble stitch, after treble stitch. Yet, the damned shawl would not grow. The stitches were being made, but NOTHING was happening. And, just as I have so many times, while awake, in this nightmare, I got pissed that the shawl was not growing, and I threw my imaginary hook.
I woke up this morning, and the first thing I did was examine my shawl. With a clear head, I realized that, being so tired, I could have screwed up the stitches. Yet, as I looked at it, there was no flaw. It was perfect. IT WAS PRISTINE!  Even while entering a comatose state, I can crochet with the best of them.
Yesterday, I did get another granny square finished. Today, I am thinking that I may take a free day from the squares. I love working them, don't get me wrong. But, I need to finish my bag. I am so close now. I can picture it clearly. The image of the bag. Well, I don't want to just imagine it. I want to REALLY have it done, so I can REALLY see it.
Yesterday, I came to realize something. Something I hate! Something so NOT fair.
My original choice for the second project from my book was the Bright Nights Wrap/Throw. In this book, there are two blankets...this, and another. The other one I had planned as project number 5.You know, space them out. Well, now, I am sad to say, this throw will, most likely, have to be pushed back.
As you know, if you have read my profile, I am in recovery mode from a surgery I had November 18, 2009. And, my surgeon, wonderful man that he is, has decided to stop seeing me, and to stop giving medical updates, so my payments keep coming to me. Needless to say, I am searching for another doctor. I mean, my surgeon didn't even get me squared away for physical therapy. What a poop-head.
Well, back to the yarn side of it.
This throw has 11 different skeins of yarn that I need. Three skeins of black, and 1 skein of each of the following: grape, lemonade, blue mint, berry blue, coconut, watermelon, limelight, and mango. That is quite a bit of yarn. And, to buy all that yarn would take quite a bit of money, which I do not have at this time. (I hate this. My surgeon has completely left me, high and dry. I have a wouind on the bottom of my foot...a 'granuloma scar', I think it is called. I have had it for 6 months now. The surgeon doesn't care. He won't see me. So, I have pain in my foot, which keeps me from walking, which keeps me from getting therapy {even if he had ordered it}, which keeps me from getting better.  As I said, he stopped filling out medical updates, so payments, to me, stopped months ago, and I am not yet completely healed, so I can't go back to work. I HATE THIS!)
So, I will be working on, most likely, the Broomstick Lace Pillow, next. This uses only one skein of yarn, which I am lucky enough to have.
Well, that is it. I will not subject you to anymore of my bitching. One way, or another, I will get all the yarn I need for this project. I have to. 
So, I am off. I have a bag to finish.
Happy crocheting!

throw, 8 months, loom, red heart, fiber, recovery, acrylic, yarn, needle, timeline, healing, dream, boye, 2 years, stress, afghan, bummed, project, deadline, broke, change, plan, two years, eight months, caron, obsessed, lapghan, bag, alteration, nightmare, blanket, meltdown, blog, addicted, neglect, knitting, crochet, expensive, hobby, memoire, heirloom, schedule, books, craft, timeframe, pillow, crocheting, humor, funny, hook, knit

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