The Two Day Rush

Jul 30, 2011 08:45

Yup! It's official! There is no doubt about it.
Yesterday, I overworked myself, quite a bit. Of course, I am able to say it was all due to the rush of excitement. I was BEYOND giddy, as I left my therapy appointment. And, as we pulled into the parking lot, of the medical supply store, I was beaming. I had a ridiculous smile on my face, that just would not go away. I got out of the car, and I did this little excited jig, before walking into the store.
After getting my brand new (boring, and yet wonderful, at the same time) cane, I took EVERY opportunity, to walk around. Two more errands, before we came home. Both times, I used the cane. We got home, and I walked the porch, too many times to even count. Sitting down was SIMPLY not an option. I was completely charged. This cane was a new sort of FREEDOM. And, I wanted to spend my WHOLE day, delighting in it.
The first time I actually allowed myself to rest, was when I wrote my post, yesterday evening.
And, at just past 8, I crashed. I was in the blue recliner, watching TV. Then, the next thing I know, my sweetie is waking me up, telling me it is time to go to the bedroom.
This morning. I hurt, HURT, HURT!
I predict that, for the greater part of today, I will be seated. I will still get the 2 hours of walking time, that my therapist told me to get every day. But, I do not think I will be so eager, to go on a full out marathon again.
All I can say...GOD!  IT FEELS SO GOOD, TO BE WALKING WITH ONE CANE! Even as every square inch of me is sore, from all the walking yesterday, it is such an awesome sort of pain.
Ok...Now that this is out of the way...
Today is July 30!
I have a CRAP-LOAD of work to do today.
First, there is school.
While not exactly behind, I have quite a bit of schoolwork to do, this morning. I have a total of 6 responses, that I need to do, this morning. Then, before Sunday, I have to take the quiz, for this week. And, by Monday, I have to have a written assignment. It is totally doable. And, in fact, I am still ahead of the game. But, normally, all my work would already be finished. Oh! Being gone the first few days of this week, just totally messed up my school schedule.
Then, there is the yarn. OH! OH! OH! THE YARN!
If you will remember, I gave myself a deadline, for the month of July. There were three projects that I wanted to complete, before the end of this month. By completing these three projects, I would only have 4 more loom knitted projects to work, before October 8.  These three projects were: The Felted Handbag, The Mystery Goodie that I will give away, and one pair of Socks. The Felted Handbag, and The Mystery Goodie have both been taken care of. One sock is done, and now, I have the other sock, on the loom.
And, I have today, and tomorrow, to finish it. The funny thing, is this. I can work a sock, in two days. I can go from start to finish, in this time. And yet, knowing that I ONLY have two days left...Well, it is intimidating. And, I am sure that this intimidation will slow me down, quite a bit.
Well Michael. Time to BUCKLE DOWN! I HAVE to finish this sock. I have no choice! (Again, I will say that I CANNOT WAIT to be done, with looms.)
In other news...
My aunt D FINALLY showed me a fair bit of kindness, yesterday. (What do you know...Miracles really do happen.)
My mother went into her room, and pulled out her 'Prized Possessions', as she calls them. Her two shawls, that I have made for her. (She absolutely LOVES these shawls.) She proudly went about showing these to my aunt, modeling them. (I must say...Even now, months after creating the brown shawl, I still think it is totally KICK-ASS! I mean, it just treble crochet. But still. I had NO pattern to work from. It was all me. Sure, I used a pattern for the flowers, but the shawl itself, with all the decreasing. That was pattern free!)
My aunt D totally ADORED these shawls. And, she immediately went about BEGGING me, to make her one.
I agreed.
Now, I am not going to rush, to make it. I will have it done by Christmas.
At first, my aunt wanted one, just like the brown one. But, I expressed my feelings, about my work. These shawls are special, and I will NOT replicate them. I did tell her that I will create her an amazing shawl, but it will be my choice, as to what it looks like.
She agreed to my terms.
So...Here is my plan.
I will bust my butt, to finish the sock, before the end of tomorrow. And, when I do, I will treat myself to yarn shopping, for the new shawl.
And, that is about it, for today...
I am already be yelled at, to do about 100 different things. My entire family knew my plan was to write here, then do my school work. But, I wonder how much school work I will actually be able to get done, before I am literally PULLED away from the computer. (It seems the further I get in to school, the worse the lack of support becomes. I am honestly beginning to think that, when I graduate, I will not invite any of the family, to my ceremony. After all, they have already shown, to great lengths, that my education is unimportant.)
Time to go.
Wish me luck, with schooling, and finishing the sock.
Until tomorrow,
Happy looming, and crocheting!

timespan, walking, 8 months, part 2, memoir, pattern, recovery, yarn, blog, book, lack of support, timeline, workbook, crochet, yarnie, 2 years, timeframe, project, loom knit, 3 methods

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