Here I Am...Sorry I'm Late

Jul 29, 2011 17:43

I left the house, at 8:00 this morning. I had an early morning physical therapy appointment, today. Let me just say...Not too long ago, I imagined that early morning physical therapy appointments would be so much better, than the mid-day appointments that I was getting. Now...well, I am  not so sure. Sadly, I have booked the next several appointments. All of them are early morning. And, I am just not sure I am all that gung-ho, on early morning outings. I mean, my entire schedule was THROWN OFF today. No time to blog. No time for an early morning school session. And, only one (small) cup of coffee. This is not the way that I like to wake up.
Here it is. It is evening. I have not touched my yarn, as of yet. I have not had the opportunity. And, I am not particularly happy, that I am having to write my day's post, so late in the day.After writing this post, I am going to go take a nice, long, well-earned bubble bath. The muscles in my legs are SCREAMING at me. To say that I am 'sore' would be a rather big understatement. As I sit here, writing this out, my legs are telling me that they are DONE, for the day. No more, Michael. You have worked us, too much today. We can only do so much. And then, we have to have a break! We are officially calling it QUITS, for the rest of the day.
The first thing I told my physical therapist, as I started my appointment, was that I have successfully walked, using one cane. I told her it was only small distances, but still...That is something, right?
Apparently my therapist thought so.
She got this huge smile on her face, after hearing this. "I definitely want to see this," she said, as we started out, with the typical stretches. "After we get you all loosened up, I will grab you a cane, and we will see what happens."
Sure enough, after the stretches, she went, and got me a cane.And, after watching me walk with it, she smiled. "This is FANTASTIC!" (It is ALWAYS so wonderful, to get this reaction. I mean, it just makes me feel like I have really accomplished something magnificent.) She grabbed my walker. "For the rest of your appointment, you are going to use the cane. When you get ready to leave, you can get your walker back."
And, I walked. No falling. It was totally awesome.
At the end of my appointment, my therapist told me that I should go and invest in one of the four legged canes. She said that the cane I was currently using at home, while a great start, was probably not correct for me. I can agree with that. "And," she said, as she handed me my walker. "I do not want you to bring this back here, the next time you come in. From now on, I want you using just one cane!"
So, I went, and I got my cane. I really wish it was something cool. I wish it was snazzy, and neat looking. Sadly, it isn't. It is just a boring gray standard cane. But still, I LOVE IT!
Since purchasing the cane, I have been non-stop. I have walked, and walked, and walked. God, it feels GREAT to be using JUST ONE CANE!
And, as happy as I am, over this, I can't help but think that maybe...just maybe, I may have overdone it today.
My legs feel like they are going to just FALL off of me. But, even though I am hurting, I feel so great. Exhausted, yes. But great! I feel like I have this reason to be proud. 
And, I can't help but think back, to when I first started this Project of mine. I was still greatly relying on my wheelchair. And, back then, I thought that I would always need the wheelchair, even if only just a little bit. I never really thought that I would COMPLETELY abandon it.
And, then I did. I went to the walker. The wheelchair left entirely. And, I remember dreaming about the day, when I could say goodbye to the walker, as well. I remember how badly I wanted to walk, using just one cane.  (God, as I write this, I am actually crying. This is a very emotional day, for me.)
Here I am! I am FINALLY walking, with one cane. I haven't fallen, is QUITE some time. I feel incredibly steady, as I walk. 
I just can't stop smiling today. It is a good day. Hell...IT IS A GREAT DAY!
And you know what...
Even if I don't get around to working with my yarn today, that is ok. Sometimes, things are more important than yarn. And, walking with one cane is DEFINITELY one of those things.
So, that is it for today. A short entry, I know. But, I am too excited, and too tired, to write. I will be back tomorrow. And, I will write a full post then.
Until then...
Well...YAY for one cane walking!!!!!

physical therapy, cane, better, walking, improvement, recovery

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