Weaning off the meds

Oct 16, 2007 14:54

As long as I'm logged in, might as well make a quick post.

When I went off the mini-pill last February, it made a noticeable improvement in my mood. I believe that birth control exacerbated my depression, and will never take it again. I stayed on Zoloft, though, since I had some stressful times coming up. After getting through the stress of moving to a new town I halved my dose and that worked fine.

Well, the first week of October the client I complained about in a previous post left. All of a sudden, with this major stressor out of my life, I started noticing weird side effects: sleep, weight gain. After a week of being tired it finally occurred to me that maybe I didn't really need the Zoloft any more. So I cut back to only taking half a pill when I start to feel the dizziness of withdrawl. Right now, that's about every 2 days. Even that half a pill makes me really sleepy.

I think I'm finally better: I'm not depressed any more. Now I need to find a doctor so I can wean off the meds properly.

What's more, my helpers are gone. Well, I know they're not really gone, they're just laying low, being quiet. They're there if I ever need them, but I don't need them right now. When Bobby is troublesome, Sara doesn't jump in to help, but I use techniques I learned from her to deal with him. And when the kitchen is beyond messy, Bertha doesn't come forward to clean it, but I'm able to clean it myself because she showed me in the past just what to do.

Annoyingly, I can still hear the Taskmaster sometimes, and sometimes I cower like Shame. But again, that behavior is something I learned from her, it's not her doing it now.

Will any of them ever come back fully? I don't know. I guess we'll have to see. In the meantime, I'm OK just being me.
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