Title: Je M'occupe de Toi
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Will/Elizabeth
Rating: General audiences
Length: 297 words
Summary: She wanted, she thought, to cry.
Notes: Originally posted on
fic_on_demand for
unrequited love request.
Je M'occupe de Toi
She could hear his voice while Estrella was still adamantly pinning her hat and fussing with the bow; it made her stomach flutter and a little dizziness rose behind her eyes that was not the corset’s doing. She was certain her fashion-addled mind hadn’t made up the widening of his eyes, the way his lips parted, his breath caught, when she whirled (she’d tried to whirl) into his sight at the top of the stairs. He was far away, down staggering turns and flights, but he didn’t get any closer as she worked hard to float gracefully down the steps: he’d been filling her vision to start with. He’d been filling her vision since the night before. Before that. Fifty, fifty-one, fifty-two steps that she’d counted when she was a little girl - she still felt like the same little girl - the one who’d looked on him with girlish devotion and who’d snatched that necklace because she didn’t want him to be a pirate… (she wanted it to be her) The same medallion, years old, much older, was pressing a mark into her skin along with the striations of whalebone. “At least once more, Miss Swann, as always.” She wanted to dig it out from between her smashed breasts, tear it from her neck and throw it at him. She wanted, she thought, to cry. She thought, though she didn’t want to, that all the eye-widening, and lip-parting, and breath-catching hadn’t really happened at all, and she had to stop being girlish. How many street ladies had already found their ways under those blacksmith hands? She angrily ignored the part of her heart that quietly spoke of the confidence that he’d never have let them.
But she still didn’t tell anyone about the lamppiece, even when they asked.