Title: A Letter Unwritten
Fandom: Jane Austen, Persuasion
Character: Mr. Elliot
Rating: General audiences
Length: 125 words
Summary: I might have cared for you, you know.
Notes: Originally posted at
fic_on_demand for
unrequited love request.
A Letter Unwritten
{Found torn in a bureau drawer, in unruly scrawl, on the other side of what had become scrap paper. Something thought better of, the maid believed.}
Anne ~
I might have cared for you, you know. It was not all play-acting, those days in Bath. All I have said to you is has been, in its nature and fact, true. For your wit and your competence I admire you. For your beauty and cleverness I flatter you. And since that morning in Lyme, I have noticed you. But it seems you had other thoughts, of me and for my regard.
I wish you a future with Captain Wentworth, and shall remain distantly yours if for no other reason than that I am
Mr. Wm. Elliot