
Nov 07, 2011 18:11

Reinstalled Semagic, so I'll post more often. I think moving everything over to my domain and not having a client like this to post from, was my down fall.

But now I'm having second thoughts about killing my domain since I talked to my host. Argh. They suggested that I move the domain over to them, and it would only be $39.90/2 years, which is cheaper than NetSol was when I last renewed. Once it expires tonight, they give a 2 month grace period before it's available again to the public. So I have some time to decide. Also, the host is comp'ing my Nov & Dec hosting fees until I decide. So that's good. I'll most likely cancel it, but it's tough. It's like throwing away that tattered old blanket you've had since you were a kid.


Back on 9/26 Sammy went to RadioCat for the treatment of his hyperthyroidism. He was gone from Monday until I picked him up on Thursday 9/29. This was the first time he had ever been away from home, by himself (the one time he was away he was with Friskie). He did surprisingly well while he was there and the vet tech adored him. Because of the half life of the radiation, we had to take precautions for 2 weeks after he came home. That meant he couldn't sleep with us at night. The first week was rough. He sat at the door most of the night, crying and pawing at the door. I felt so bad. I'm sure he was wondering what he had done to deserve the "vacation" and then the precautions we had to take when he got home.

After the 2 weeks and until now, he's be like velcro with me. He's always been "my" cat, but he's gone really neurotic about it. He has to be in the same room with me, or within 6 ft of me. And at night, oy. I've taught him over the years to lay in a certain area on the bed, since he's been back, it's like he's completely forgotten/doesn't care. Every night he's laying right up by my head and over the last week, he's been sleeping *on* my pillow, while I'm trying to use it! When I'm not in bed, he's in bed and on my pillow. Jon & I both have memory foam pillows, and occasionally he would sleep on Jon's pillow, *never* would he sleep on mine. Now I can't get him to leave mine alone. It's become a nightly struggle, which has ended with little sleep. Tonight I'm going to kick the cats out and hopefully get some much needed sleep.

He went in last week for his 1 month post treatment check up/blood work. Everything looks great, except now his thyroid level is on the low side. Ooops. The Dr. isn't concerned yet. The thyroid needs some time to re-adjust since the tumor is gone, so he goes back in 2 months for repeat blood work to check his kidney's, liver & thyroid.


Time to get back to work, then figure out what we're having for dinner tonight. :)

domain, sammy, internet

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