back to work

Mar 23, 2009 17:40

Jon’s back to work at the golf course, yay!  Since the weather has been some what warmer, he decided to stop by there last week to see if/when they wanted him back.  They told him he was the *only* one coming back from last year, so he gets the lovely job of training anyone new.  Which also means they’re hiring!  We found out back in December that the course had filed for Chapter 7 and we weren’t sure if he would even have a job again.  The manager told him that he would be on-call for the next couple of weeks and they would call him if they needed him.  They called Friday.  On call for today, Friday and Saturday.  He called them this afternoon, and they needed him!  Which means they’ll most likely need him Friday and definitely Saturday as well.

They decided to change the pay scale, which could be a good thing.  Now all of the cart/bag guys are making what the servers make in the restaurant, which is something like $3.50/hr.  They changed this after they discovered a few kids who delivered the carts to the golfers were raking in $300-$400 a day in tips!  That was on top of their $7/hr regular pay.  So to save some money for the company, they put everyone on server pay.  The only down side is that Jon cleans the carts and doesn’t come in contact with any of the golfers, so the tips that the kids get are pretty much on the honor system, because they’re pooling them and dividing them up at the end of the night.  So he has the potential to make more than $7/hr (actually, I don’t remember what he makes!), but if they have a slow day and there are no tips, the company will make up the difference and he’ll still get his base pay.  I figure, as long as he’s making what he was last year, that’s great, but if he gets a bit more because of the tips, that’s even better!

So now I’ve pretty much lost him for the rest of the spring/summer/fall.  But I can’t complain, it’s money!


My Dr’s office called today, said they got the results of the heart monitor.  So I made an appt for Thursday so we can go over them.  Yay.


It’s a tad bit chilly out today (54 degrees), but I decided to open one of the office windows to keep the cats occupied.  Goose has been getting in to stuff today, and Luey & Boo have been bugging me to no end.  They’re all enjoying the sun and bird watching.  I don’t think Goose has left the window since I opened it!


I discovered last night that I’m allergic to something in the yard.  I have a few scratches on my arms from when I was moving the bush/tree limbs around yesterday, and now they’re inflamed and itchy!  So it’s either the forsythia’s or the lilac bush, not sure which.  They’ve been driving me batty all day.  I finally broke down and put some calamine lotion on them, and it seemed to help.  This kinda sucks, because I’m not usually allergic to stuff, except mosquito bites.  O well, I’ll just have to make sure I wear long sleeves when we take down the other bush.

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

yard work, cats, me, jon work, health

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