
Nov 14, 2008 15:05

Goose should be coming out of surgery about now, with a couple pieces missing. :)  Withholding food/water from him for 12 hours was a nightmare!  He promptly woke me up at 630a licking my face, my nose, my ears, and really any exposed skin.  When that tactic didn’t work to get his food, he resorted to biting my legs - little booger!  Get to pick him up between 330-430p this afternoon.

I’m really amazed at Facebook.  I’ve reconnected with people I quite literally haven’t seen/spoken to in over 15 years.  Some of the people I clearly remember, but some have changed SO MUCH, that I hardly recognize them.  I’m also really depressed by the whole thing too.  I’d say 85% of the people that I’ve reconnected with have that “American Dream” thing going on - spouse, house, great job, and KIDS.  I have 3/4 of that.  Blah.  I know, it’ll happen one day, or may be not at all.  I think I’m more at peace with it now than I have ever been.

I just realized how QUIET the house is without Goose trampling around.  It’s amazing the amount of energy a kitten can bring in to a house.  My old lazy butts are doing nothing but sleeping, which I’m sure they’re enjoying without being pounced on constantly.

I managed to get a Picasa Plugin for my webpage as well as Facebook.  If you go to my webpage you’ll see a “Random Photos” section now on the right hand side.  And the FB plugin lets me upload my Picasa albums/pictures directly to FB, which is SO much easier.

Off to do some work and pick up Goose.

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

website, facebook, goose

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