Nov 04, 2005 20:00
So, wow, I haven't written anything on here in ages. This post won't be extremely clever/brilliant/etc., but it might well serve as a useful update. So what's new? (you may ask)
Well. For starters, I'm not taking class this semester. Instead, I now have a full-time, salaried, grown-up job (with benefits, yay!) as a legal assistant. It's wonderfully challenging, it more than makes ends meet, and I feel pretty lucky/grateful. Um, what else? I have a roommate now --- as well as a cat! The roomie is Jermaine, now one of my best friends, and the cat (well, *kitten*, I s'pose, if we're being ultra-specific) is Henry. Both are cute 'n lovable and provide me with good company, so I'm pretty damned content with that. :)
Hmmm, that's about it in terms of bare facts. I'll prob'ly be in Ann Arbor for the foreseeable future, working while I [slowly] finish my degree and decide what I want to do next. I'm in no hurry, and I'm happier than I've been in a long time. As my dad would say, life is good. >>insert grin here<< Take care, y'all, and don't forget to keep in touch...