i keep telling myself i'm not the desperate type

Dec 01, 2009 20:08

things that i really need to get done.
edit: i knew when i made this that it was unlikely that i would get all of it done, but now i just keep adding things so i think i'm going to stop and make a new one.

12.01 - 12.0611
i.a. food stamp things
  1. freak out because my renewal forms are late already
  2. complete forms
  3. copy pay stub
  4. copy car insurance card
  5. copy of bank statements
  6. call them and hope it works out
  7. phone interview friday
  8. get dj to sign a letter for them
  9. copy utility bills
  10. copy of checks to utility bills and rent check
  11. copy of americorps letter
  12. adjust forms
  13. mail everything
i.b. cap renewal
  1. copy two paystubs
  2. mail renewal form
ii. speeding ticket
  1. find out how many points you will or will not get
  2. pay the fine
iii. mfa application to chatham (none of these will be "final" drafts)
  1. request transcripts from alcala and pitt
  2. write personal statement
  3. revise los caidos
  4. finalize resume
  5. send info to geeta and faith
  6. other misc. paperwork/forms
iv. finish casa azul website
  1. finish basic code
  2. bullshit information and photos b/c they never sent you any
  3. upload it
v. doggie things
  1. find cheapest place to buy ruby's food
  2. buy lexi a new bag of her food
  3. find a place that sells alternagel
  4. buy ruby a prong collar
  5. find a permanent spot for the big crate
  6. buy alternagel, ruby food
vi. misc. things
  1. grocery shopping
  2. make chili for work
  3. iron dress for work event thing
  4. hang nanowrimo poster
  5. print and hang winner certificates
  6. clean those plastic drawers
  7. buy lotion
  8. give d.j. rent money
  9. pay credit card bill
  10. pay other bills
  11. return overdue library books
  12. unpack, straighten up room
vii. email/internet things
  1. send out night of writing dangerously email
  2. organize/send out info about meet up for writing group
  3. fix up she writes profile thing and see if it's actually useful for anything other than feminist bitching

list, mfa

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