nano update 11/30

Nov 30, 2009 23:32

Words: 50,200
Pages: 172
Days of not writing a single word: 8
Days of writing way less than I should: 5
Days of writing more than I needed to: 4
Words I need to catch up: 0
Nights of not enough sleep: 9
Cameos: 8
Dead pens: 3
Aching joints: 4
Progress on grad school apps: 5%
Progress on Casa Azul America Website: 75%
Progress on submitting Los Caidos: 10%
Amount of freaking out: 0/10

D.J. Swank and I both finished with time to spare! *fireworks and shit*

I will update about D.J. and our new puppy Ruby soon. Oh and also I will provide tattoo photos. Yeah but for now, *deflation*

nanowrimo 2009

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