the moon waxes and wanes

Oct 13, 2009 00:09

This is the longest I've ever gone without posting.  Things have all gone to hell!  But in a good way, if that's possible.  I have a lot to say about my recent trip to Mexico but I don't think I can say it right now, and I don't really want to either.

Work is busy, maybe busier than I'd like, because busy gives me tension headaches.  But I am working on some projects that I think are pretty cool, so that's good at least.

Tonight I wrote about a million cover letters because I'm FINALLY getting my ass in gear to send out a piece of writing to lit mags.  I'll put the finishing touches on everything tomorrow and probably get things sent out on Wednesday.  I've also been thinking about Nanowrimo, but that will get it's own post.

I've got a month worth of stories to tell, and no time to tell them.

travel, the northside chronicle, writing: submissions

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