
Jul 21, 2009 12:58

DJ Swank and I have moved into our new house!  We got a free couch and a free piano, which is absolutely lovely.  We also got a washer and dryer, which were not free, but they are in excellent condition and so far work wonderfully.  We are still working on getting contact paper down on all the shelves, and on getting couch covers and curtains so everything looks nice and pretty.  The house annoyingly only has closets in the bedrooms, which makes storing things like towels and sheets and coats rather difficult, but we'll work around it.  We can probably install a shelf in the bathroom and just keep our sheets in our bedroom closets, or something like that.

We won't have internet until Monday, which is annoying but oh well.  There's enough to do that internet isn't entirely necessary, but it would be nice for things like checking email and directions to places.  The street we live on is rather crappy and there are a lot of abandoned, empty buildings, but our house is decent and at least it's quiet at night minus the cars passing by.

We are also still waiting on a few repairs, like pipe snaking because the shower is clogged and screens in many of the windows.  Hopefully they're at the house now working on it, but I somehow doubt it.  Cleaning so far has been a bitch and a half, because the painters painted over EVERYTHING including a few packets of food (caramel, duck sauce) and old roach traps in the cabinets.  They also painted over the contact paper in the particle board cabinetry, which peeled off as soon as we tried to clean it.  That was pretty gross.

Side note: my head is fucking killing me and I want to crawl into a corner and die.  Seriously.  (Or at least go home and sleeeeeeeeeeeeep.)

headache, house

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