out of chaos

Jul 14, 2009 00:34

1. I figured out what I need to do to fix Terpsichore and make it publishable.  I'm psyched, and I wish I could fix it now, but I need to go to bed.  (Note to self in case I forget somehow: Alyssa's air tank needs to develop a severe leak that takes way too long to fix, and then just when she's running really low on oxygen, that's when the airlock breaks.  The airlock by itself isn't dangerous enough.  Word.)

2. I started piano lessons. 
darling_moon is teaching me, and so far I'm really enjoying it.  I may have even secured a FREE upright piano from craigslist.  If I do in fact secure this piece of wonder, everyone who can/wants to is invited to my house to play it.  It'll be better than annoying the people in the Union with my playing the same 8 notes over and over again trying to get scales perfect.... =D

3. I'm moving in a few short days.  I am psyched.  I'll miss my little studio, but I am psyched to have a WHOLE FREAKING HOUSE.

4. I may in fact have a gluten allergy, but I really hope not.  I need to cut caffeine out of my diet again and stick to it strictly for at least a month.  And if that doesn't work I guess I'll have to see if I have a gluten allergy.  It's the only other thing I consume on a daily basis.  I did try cutting caffeine out for a few weeks during the school year, and it didn't seem to help, but I wasn't keeping records then like I am now.  Having a gluten allergy would be expensive.  Not being able to drink caffeine would save me money.

headache, writing, piano, house

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