Here's my very long, very picture filled review of the Sebadoh, J Mascis, Sonic Youth Show friday... sans LJ cut.. fuck you hoes.
Alright so we got there at like a little before 8 a little before Sebadoh's set. We walked right up front on the floor and we were wicked close. So lou's mom introduces them.. hugs all around.. they play some old freed weed songs that im not sure the names of but KICKED ASS.. and lou's like "were starting from the beginning of sebadoh and working our way forward..but allways backwards" then like a song later they bust into like 7 bakesale songs and i had like 8 orgasms. THEN directly following the bakesale run they play THE FREED PIG and it was the greatest thing ever. Then a couple Jason songs i didnt know but they ruled and then Soul + Fire and Flame to end the seb set. ISANELY GOOD.. looked something like this..
Sebadoh Setlist: (in order but incomplete cause i didnt know the name of like 6 songs) Careful, Lisence to Confuse, Rebound, Got It, Magnet's Coil (aka Meagan's Coyle), Shit Soup, Skull, Freed Pig, Soul + Fire, Flame
So then everyone on the floor is told to sit down. Happens to be 3 seats in the front row empty and we get front row seats. J then hits the stage. Goes at it with this flute player name Suzanne Thorp (any relation to a one erin thorp? haha) she played on the first song. When he gets around to little fury things hes like "this next song lee ranaldo originally sang on, i forgot to ask him to sing it with me" then lee hits the stage and they do little fury with lee on his backups.. AWEsome. Then they do fucking NEVER BOUGHT IT with the flure chick doing the awesome flute riff (defientely hasnt played that shit in years) and thumb with the awesome flute riff as well (dont know if thumb has ever had the flute riff live). He closed with Alone which i dont really care for (the only dinosaur song i dont really like) but WHATEVER no complaints whatsoever.. awesome shit.. looked something like this...
J Setlist: (complete and shit) Freedom, So What Else is New, Flying Cloud, Set Us Free, Same Day, Ammaring, Little Fury Things, If that's How It's Gotta Be, Never Bought It, Get Me, Not You Again, Thumb, Alone
THEENN Lou and the two other members of Deep Wound (j and lous band from 83 before dinosaur) came out.. J on Drums lou on Guitar and they played a song. It ruled, no idea what the song was but it looked something like this..
So then Sonic Youth Hits the Stage Playing All new songs except Mote and Drunken Butterfly. Tons of awesome new Kim songs. Thurston smashes his guitar like 10 minutes into the show and lee's like "i think thurston just smashed the guitar he needs for the rest of the set" then after like a five minute nothing they start up again. Lee is the greatest man. The new songs Ruled. Looked something like this..
Sonic Youth Setlist: (got it from some dude on a forum) i love you golden blue, the empty page, unmade bed, stones, pattern recognition, mote, new hampshire, paper cup exit, dude ranch nurse, drunken butterfly
Encore: rain on tin, mariah carey and the arthur conan doyle hand cream
Greatest Show i Ever seen and i hope i made all of your friends pages wide and you all can suck my dick. Oh yeah and Meagan and I VIDEOTAPED the show and if anyone wants a copy i am a very giving man. Got all of Sebadoh, J, the deep wound song, and 20 minutes of Sonic Youth (one verse of mote, most of drunken butterfly and some clips of lots of the new songs battery was dyin') LEMME KNOW IF YOU WANT THAT SHIT IM SURE ONLY MOTE AND MEAGAN WILL WANT IT BUT WHATEVER IM OFFERING IT TO THE MASSES. I ALREADY TOLD DRACO ID GIVE HIM A COPY... R.I.P DRACO. ANYWAY BEST SHOW EVER. THANKS TO MEAGAN FOR TAPING SONIC YOUTH AND SOME OF J WHEN I COULDNT GET GOOD SHOTS.
After the show we got pizza and came back to shrewsbury, then i drove meagan back to boston and we smoked pot and rocked out to the pixies hardcore. All in all best night of my life.
Last Night went to Krissys prom with her.. it was funny ass shit.. we didnt dance we just laughed at people but like a proms a prom. I just hope i wasnt the worste date ever haha. Krissy had this black dress that ruled and chino got a tick on it pre prom.. after we took pictures with krissy's parents then we went to jills and an ant got on Krissys dress.. bugs love Krissy's Dress... anyway I'm sure everyone hates me by now so..