Who thought we'd ever get this far?

Oct 09, 2006 09:40

What a weekend.  Got drunk and somehow didn't sleep (no I wasn't getting laid).  Kinda sleepwalked through Sunday and don't remember much of it.

I did meet a guy that's already IN the Navy.  He fucking hates it, but then again, he picked a shitty job.

Moving on.

What a week in general!  This week started with me feeling completely shitty and depressed due to a roll hangover, then it proceeded to just get weird and confusing, and now. . .everything is ok.  Things could always be better, but right now they're better than they have been in a while.  For ME.

Finally: What a fucking MONTH!  I think I'm growing, maturing and what-not.  I'm not letting things that usually send me spiraling down bother me so much, and it's working very well.  There's no reason to get all worked up about shit like that.  Sure, there will be days when I'm sad and depressed, but I think (I hope) the days of all those depressing rants that I've made on here are gone.

I don't know, it use to be the little things would build up over time, but if I don't let certain little things get to me, then things should get better, right?

On the flip side, I have learned how to appreciate the small pleasures in life.  Stareing at the stars on a clear night, hanging my head out the window of a '67 Mustang while driving around on a beautiful sunny day, shoulder rubs and those times when you're getting a haircut, and you know, hair is falling everywhere, and you itch behind your ear, so you say something about it, so your barber, who is super-cute, scratches you behind the ear for a few seconds, and everything is PERFECT.  Moments like that.

By the way, I got a haircut.  I got tired of looking like a goddamn hippy (it's not really my look, I understand this now), so I got it cut.  And it kicks ass.  Any of you say any different, you are wrong.  Simple as that.

Anyway, see you guys around.  Or not.  Definately maybe.


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