Jan 05, 2007 14:00
I've literally just ariived at my hostel in Vancouver. It's raining very steadily so first on my shopping list will be umbrella, next to food and tea! We ended up stopped outside the station for a couple of hours, as all long train journeys should end, but once arrived getting my bags (which were all there) and getting a taxi to the hostel (very close and cheap) went without a hitch!
The train trip itself was rather nice, with stunning scenary pretty much all the time. Comfort class is an interesting name for it though, if you get two seats to yourself it's not so bad, but otherwise you go for 3 days without changing clothes or having a shower. In my case 4 days. Not that I haven't done that before. *g*
Also found the nutcracker from Satan that my browncoats from Toronto slipped into my bag. I'll have to find a place for him in my room where he can't see me. Maybe he'll scare away all the other nasties instead. *g* I miss my folks there, but plans are as always afoot about when we'll hook up again.
Right now though, I might have a shindig on for tomorrow with the Vancouver guys, hopefully it will go well and I'll be officially 24 as well. Maybe it will stop raining just for me? ;-)