Who: Caesar Salazar, Dib
What: Parting ways before the main battle starts
Where: Caesar's lab and just outside of it
When: ... Before the main battle starts?
Warnings: Sap, most likely.
Caesar's lab slowly touched down. He stared at his control yoke for a moment before unbuckling his seatbelt and turning to look at Dib. The only way his eyes could be described was sad, really. He was letting Dib get into horrific danger. There was a chance he could die.
But there was a more dangerous chance that they could all die. That one girl said she wanted Dib's help, and that meant that Dib was needed there. Dib had a part to play, and Caesar couldn't deny him it. Just like how Caesar couldn't deny that his own part wasn't directly on the battlefield.
The boy had grown so much in such a short time even if he still had far to go. Caesar was happy with his progress. He just hoped that Dib would have the chance to grow even further.
"Here we are," Caesar spoke with a gentle, sad smile. "The teleporter's outside."