locked to nurse_cchapel  -- Green on White

May 26, 2010 01:00

The small quite flat that belongs to Christine Chapel and Spock was normally perfectly clean as it belongs to a Nurse and a Vulcan. So by default it was clean all the time. Today among the clean there is, on the counter in the kitchen, a green liquid spilt over the countertop and the floor below it. At the moment only one of the owners of the flat was in the house. Having had cut his hand deeply, Spock did not have time to clean up the thick green that painted his floors. Instead he had taken his time wondering into the back bathroom with paper towels placed in his hand to soak up the blood so it would not drip on the perfectly clean floor. Once inside the bathroom he starts trying to fix the cut himself but only ends up hurting himself more and making a mess of the back bathroom. Unsure now, because somehow logic seemed to have been a lost concept at this moment, he grabbed a hand full of gaze from the first aid box and placed it in his hand then took out a bandage to wrap around his hand to keep the gaze where he needed it to be.

academy au verse, nurse_cchapel

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